Chapter 21: Landon

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My stomach churns as I watch Olivia walk away from me. Time seems to be moving in slow motion as my chest tightens. What have I done? "We're from two different worlds" is all I heard before immediately jumping into self-preservation mode. Before she could hurt me, I decided to protect myself and end things first, that way I could be in control of the situation. I make my way to the car to call Connor. He'll know what to do. I pull out my cell and dialed Connor's number.

He picks up after the fourth ring. "Talk to me."

"Hey, are you busy?"

"No, I'm just sitting here watching Road Rules."

"Can we meet up, I need to talk to you about something."

"Yea sure. Everything ok?"

"I don't know man, I think I fucked up."


I pull up to Cosmo's Pizzeria, I spot Connor's car and park beside it. When I go in, I see he is already sitting at our favorite booth. It's toward the back and out of the way. Cosmo's has been our hangout for years. The restaurant has booths that line the outside and tables with checkerboard tablecloths in the middle. In the front, near the hostess are a few middle schoolers playing the same arcade games that Connor and I loved playing ten years ago.

"I already ordered. The food should be out shortly."

I give him a nod.

"So, what's going on? What did you want to talk about?"

"I think Olivia and I just broke up."

Connor eyes me quizzically, "You think? Why? You two just got back together like, a week ago."

"She said we are from two different worlds, and I just don't understand her," I say in a panic.

"Bro, this isn't making a whole lot of sense. I'm missing some details; why don't you slow down and start from the beginning?"

Connor has known me practically our whole lives and can recognize when I'm getting worked up.

"She wanted to talk about what happened yesterday."

Connor nods his head and somberly sips his Mountain Dew, "Yeah, that was some wild shit. I've never seen your dad act like that. I mean he's always been stern but yesterday he was callous. I can't believe he called the COPS! I mean what the fuck? It was completely unexpected and uncalled for."

"I know, that's what I told her. I said that he has never been racist, and she acted like I was lying. I apologized profusely and said I wanted to hang out again, but she was very hesitant."

"Well bro," Connor sympathizes, "that makes sense. Your dad was on a warpath. If the shoe was on the other foot, I wouldn't want to hang out at your house either."

"Well fine, I get that. But I told her we could hang at your house. Then she said she couldn't trust my judgement and she thinks your parents might call the police on her. I told her she was being dramatic and that wouldn't happen. That's when she said I wasn't seeing things from her prospective and we're from two different worlds, so I ended things."

Connor slow blinks at me, as if he can't believe what he's hearing. "What?" he raises his brows. "You didn't actually tell her she was being dramatic, did you?"

"Yes, I did because she was."

Connor shakes his head. "You're an asshole. Of course she's nervous it might happen again, your dad called the police on them for no reason. I mean think about it dumbass, put yourself in her shoes. You're black and you get invited to your rich, white boyfriend's house. They were probably already a little nervous coming here and then your asshole father shows up and validates all of the fears they had. That must have been a fucking nightmare for them."

"Come on, you can't be serious. I told her your dad was cool and he wouldn't do that. She should believe me."

"God, you're so stupid. You literally had no idea your own dad was a racist. You expect her to believe you know that my dad isn't?"

"Fuck. Ok, ok."

He continues, "Look, my dad is DEFINITELY different from your dad but how would she know that? So you broke up with her because she doesn't want to hang out at my house? How stupid is that."

"I mean, not exactly. She said she was worried about whether we could understand each other since we come from different places. She said I wasn't seeing things through her eyes."

Just then the food arrives, an extra-large meat-lovers pizza with a platter of garlic knots and buffalo wings. We both dig right in and each quickly scarf down a slice.

Finally, Connor breaks the silence. "Look man, I agree with her. You weren't seeing things through her eyes. That was really fucked up what happened to them man. Sure it's the 90's but you know how stuff is still kind of crazy sometimes. I'm still a little confused though."

"At what", I ask as I hunt for another flat wing in the platter.

"Why were you so quick to sever things with her? What gives?"

I shrug, "I guess in a way I was looking for an easy way out. When she said that, I saw an opening and just blurted it out."

"And what did she say after that?"

"She started crying and stormed off."

"Well, it sounds like you got exactly what you wanted. So why did you call me so frantic?"

"Because, right after the conversation as I was watching her walking away, I started to regret everything. I literally was getting lightheaded and sick to my stomach."

Connor wryly smiles as he listens to me describe my feeling.

"Look dude, you are probably the biggest dumbass I know when it comes to chicks. You need to talk to her and apologize. Yeah, it's a good idea to hang out at my house because you're right, my dad isn't a fucking Klansman. And I KNOW that for sure," he says mockingly. "But you have to pull some major moves to patch things up with her."

I listen intently and nod in agreement. "Your right man, your right. I'll call her when I get home."

"I have a better idea, why don't you go talk to her in-person. It will have more of an impact than a phone call."

"I'm not sure when I'll have time to do that. It's easier just to call."

"Come on dude, if she is really important to you then you make time."

"Yeah,you're right. Hey, I need a favor."

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