Chapter 9: Olivia

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I walk into my apartment, my mother, Yolanda is sitting at our dining room table studying. She works at the hotel during the day and attends night school to become a registered nurse.

My mother looks at the clock on the wall. "Ten minutes to spare."

She likes me to be home before she leaves for class, especially if I'm just out with friends and not at work.

"Hey, Mama," I excitedly greet.

"Ma'am, why are you in such a good mood?" she raises a brow.

I can't help but beam, "Landon asked me to be his girlfriend," I say gleefully.

"Wow, your very first boyfriend. Landon, is that the boy who has been calling here everyday?"

"Yes Mama, that's him," I cheese.

"I wondered what was going on with you two," she says cleverly.

"I can't believe he's my first official boyfriend," I squeal.

She closes her book, "Well, have a seat and tell me about him."

I take a seat across from her at the table, "Umm, well, we met at the mall a few weekends ago, at first, I wasn't sure about him. He seemed really arrogant but he's actually really nice. He lives in Prestonwood but he comes over here to hang out."

"Prestonwood? Olivia baby, just be careful getting involved with a boy like him. If your first instinct was to be cautious of him then you should be."

"I was very cautious Mama. But I've started to get to know him, he was being a jerk because his friends were around. But when we went out alone, I saw another side of him. He is so smart and really ambitious. He knows what he wants in life and has so many goals set for himself."

"Sweetheart, I just worry about you. I think you've forgotten that we live in the south, Sweetie. Getting involved with a rich white boy might not be the best idea. Not to mention he's probably way more experienced than you are. These little boys are slick."

"I don't think Landon is like that."

"I just don't want you to end up like I did. Your father talked a good game. He told me everything I wanted hear about having a future with me. But after I had you, suddenly we didn't fit into the picture because he was afraid of what people would say and he couldn't handle the pressure of being with a black woman."

"Mama, I know but that was the early 80s things were different back then."

"Baby, things have changed a little but in reality, they haven't changed that much. Olivia you are such a smart and talented young lady with a bright future, I don't want you struggling to make ends meet because some boy left you high a dry with a baby and you weren't able to finish your education. "

"I know mama. I promise I'll be smart."

"Sweetheart, we've always talked about you saving yourself for marriage."

"Mama I—"

"Just hear me out. Don't let him pressure you into anything against your beliefs and values. No matter what he says, don't believe him. These boys will lie just to get what they want and leave you as soon as they do. Protect yourself and your heart, don't let him fool you. Your virginity is a gift that should be given to your husband. But I know you're getting older and you may start to feel pressure not to wait but you should be extremely cautious who you give that gift to."

Mama would be disappointed to know I had caved and had sex with Landon, especially since I've only known him such a short amount of time.

"Yes, ma'am." I get up and go to my room.

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