Chapter 49: Landon

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"Hey bro," I greet when Connor opens the door on Sunday evening.

"Hey yourself," he says snippily.

I feel the tension as I walk in. Connor eyeballs me. The atmosphere is thick with the sense of an impending conflict.

"If you're here to apologize to Olivia, she's not here. She's still at her mom's for the weekend."

"Oh. No, I'm not here to apologize to her. And I'm certainly not going all the way to her mom's place. Besides, I'm not sure I have anything to even apologize for."

Connor raises an eyebrow, "So what are you here for then?" he asks flippantly.

"I'm here because I came to hang out with my friend. Why are you acting so weird?" I follow him into the den.

"For starters you yelled at my sister and Olivia."

"Dude, I'm sorry I yelled at Court."

Connor shakes his head in disgust. "You were being a complete asshole," he huffs and sits down on the couch and looks up at the ceiling. "You were yelling at Court and screaming at Olivia. Olivia was upset the whole ride home and to make matters worse, she got angry at me when she figured out that I knew about Fiona the entire time. She was livid."

I roll my eyes. "You don't understand, Olivia is just emotional, I'll patch things up with her and she'll be fine. She'll forget any of this ever happened."

"So, that's it? Like I said man, she was devastated, and you embarrassed her and you're going to brush it under the rug like it never happened? Even if she does forgive you, look what you put her through. Don't you think she deserves more than that?"

"Jeez dude, have you been watching those Lifetime movies with your mom and sisters again because you're really in touch with your feminine side," I snub.

"Screw you dude," Connor flips me the middle finger.

"Seriously, why do you care about her so much? Who died and made you the guardian of her?" Lately I can't help but feel there is something more going on with her and Connor. He's always taking her side and coming to her defense. "Do you have a thing for her or something?" I demand.

Shockingly Connor Stammers, " Well, I mean-- She's become part of our family and I don't like to see my family get hurt. You know me man; you saw me punch Mitchel in the nose when he pushed Courtney in the fifth grade. And the time I threaten to beat up that boy for tripping Jenny at the pool. It's a habit and it's not going to change."

"She's not your family," I scorn. "She doesn't need you to protect her." I aggressively point my index finger into my own chest, "I'm her boyfriend, looking after her is my job."

Connor throws his hands up, "Well if it's your job, why are you the one who keeps trampling all over her?"

"I don't know what to tell you dude, she's an emotional basket case. She is always crying about some stupid shit. She'll get over it."

Connor stares blankly at the muted TV. "Where is this Fiona thing going? Are you just stringing Olivia along?"

I take several deep breaths then recline in the couch. "Again, why the fuck do you care? Listen, I'm doing what I have to do. Right now, I have to keep seeing Fiona. But after that crazy display Olivia put on, I'm not sure Fiona even wants to keep seeing me. Which is just going to piss my dad off even more. I care about Olivia, but I also need to think about my future. At some point I have to grow up and put aside the kid stuff."

"That makes no sense. How is you being with Olivia kid stuff?"

"This is just high school, Bro."

"My parents are high school sweethearts, look at the life they created. Just because its high school doesn't mean it's kid stuff."

The truth is I don't think it's kid stuff. I'm pretty sure I love her, but what happens when we graduate, and I move away for college? I'm terrified it won't last and I don't want to set myself up for that type of hurt.

"I have a duty to my family, to my father. He doesn't want me seeing her. I don't even think he cares if I'm with Fiona or not he just doesn't want me with Olivia."

"Duty to your father? TUH! Bro, she came and took care of you so you wouldn't be alone after your family left you behind on Christmas. How many girls are going to make homemade soup for their sick boyfriends? Don't you think someone like that is worth pissing off your lame ass father."

"Look, man, I didn't come here to talk about this."

"So, you really aren't going to apologize to her?"

"Pft, she'll be fine. If not then oh well," I pretend not to care but truthfully, I'm terrified to lose her. Connor sits quietly and continues to listen to me. "If anything, she needs to apologize to me. She had no business at that party. And to make matters worse she was dressed like a fucking street walker and grinding on Keon. It was disrespectful."

"So if she doesn't apologize you're fine with it being over?"

"If the drama queen wants to go, fine by me," I lie. "She can be someone else's headache."

"OH REALLY!" Olivia rebuffs.

Both Connor and I turn and catch sight of Olivia standing just a few feet from the couch. Fuck. I freeze like a deer in headlights.

"You are UNBELIEVABLE! You're the one who cheated on ME! Then come to find out you're supposed to marry the girl BUT I need to apologize to you because I was DANCING. I even told Keon you were my boyfriend."

"I didn't have a choice in the matter. My father is making me go out with her. It's not like I wanted to. I'm just doing this to keep my father off my back. You on the other hand had no business at that party dressed like—like—"

"A streetwalker, that's what you just said right? A slut? Because that's what you called me in front of everyone."

I sit stunned, my chest tightening.

"I had on a mini skirt, which every other girl at the party had on. Your fiancée had on less than I did, did you call her a slut too?"

"No, and she's not my fia—"

"Wow. I loved you Landon. I kept making excuses for you even when everyone told me to leave. I defended you and stood by your side. But you never loved me. I'm not even sure you ever cared about me. But don't worry, I won't be your headache anymore."

Panic zips through my body, "Will you let me explain!" Just tell her what she wants to hear and all will be forgiven I think to myself. "Ollie, I'm sorry about everything with Fiona. My father is making me do this. I just have to see her for a little while to get him off my back. I don't plan on marrying her. I know, I should have been honest with you from the start, but you have to believe me. You are the one that I care about."

"Do you love me?"

The question catches me off guard. "What?"

She exaggerates her words. "Do. You. Love. Me?"

I sit silently.

"Say it Landon! Say Olivia I love you."

"Ollie, I—I—" Fuck. I love her but why can't I bring myself to say the words? What the fuck is wrong me?

She gives me an eerily calm grin, "I knew it. I regret every second I wasted on you."

"Ollie baby please. I- I—"

"Fuck you Landon."

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