Chapter 40:Olivia

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"I can't believe you're really moving," Tanisha sighs, "You're actually leaving me."

"You'll still see me every weekend, plus Mrs. Harrington said I can have friends over so you can come visit me if your mom lets you borrow her car."

"I know, but it won't be the same without you at school. I'll be forced to make a new bff."

"You better not! The Olivia Walker cannot be replaced."

Tanisha laughed, "True! And you better not try to replace me either."

"I wouldn't dare," I say with dramatic flare.

"Yea yea, you'll probably be best friends with this Courtney chick."

"AS IF! Nobody could ever replace you, you're my sista!" I stuff the last bag into my mother's '92 Chevy Corisca and close the trunk. "I love you so much," I clutch my best friend tightly. "I'll call you everyday."

"You better, I want to know every detail about everything."

We finally let go of each other after one final squeeze. Tanisha steps onto the sidewalk as my mom and I pull away.


My mom and I pull into the Harrington driveway. I take in the sights of my new home. It's been many months since I stepped foot into the Harrington house. My last encounter at their house had left a sour taste in my mouth but I try to take comfort in knowing that Landon and Connor are no longer friends with Ethan. Plus being so close to Landon outweighs any negative feelings I have about the place. We make our way up to the porch but before I can ring the bell the front door opens.

"OLIVIA!" Mrs. Harrington greets with a smile and hug. "OLIVIA IS HERE!" she calls back into the house. "Yolanda, it's so good to see you again, please come in, come in."

Her sincere warmth puts me at easy.

"This is such a lovely home you have," my mom looks around.

"Thank you. I do my best to keep it straight, but so many kids coming in and out it's difficult," she chuckles. "Our home is the hangout spot for everyone."

That's the type of home I want, I think to myself. A place where my kid's friends are always welcome. Andrew enters into the foyer.

"Olivia, Yolanda, Happy New Year, how are you today?"

"Happy New Year Senator Harrington," my mom warmly nods.

"No need to be so formal. Please call me Andrew or better yet Andy," he states. "You and Olivia are a part of our family now."

Courtney and Connor round the corner.

"Olivia!" Courtney excitedly greets.

"Hey Court!" I say with an equal amount of enthusiasm.

Since learning I was moving in, Courtney and I have hung out a few times. We've become quick friends and I'm actually excited to be living with her now. She says we're going to have so much fun. Doing each other's nails, raiding the other's closet, listening to music, talking about boys. It's going to be like a permanent sleepover.

"Hey Olivia," Connor smiles.

"Hey Connor."

"Let me give you all a tour," Patricia says and begins showing us around the entire house before finally ending up in my new room. "And this"—she pushes open the door, "is Olivia's room."

The room is bare like a dorm room on moving day. Plain forest green colored walls, the full-sized metal black frame bed is stripped down to crisp white sheets, and I have my own private bathroom in the room!

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