Chapter 50: Connor

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Mom is icing a cake at the kitchen counter, "Will one of you take this to Olivia, please."

Dad walks up, "I didn't know she was here. What's going on with her? Why didn't she eat dinner with us?"

Courtney and I both get quiet.

"She and Landon broke up yesterday," Mom finally chimes in, "I think she wants to be alone for a while."

"They broke up? Do you know what happened?" he directs to me.

"She caught him on a date with another girl," I respond.

"That's disappointing, I wonder why Landon would do such a thing?" Dad says disappointedly.

"Mr. Sullivan arranged the date." I offer, "He wants Landon to break up with Olivia."

Dad raises a brow, "Why am I not surprised by that. The way Benjamin treated the Walker's at the club was deplorable. Not to mention what you said happened to her at Landon's house. That was reprehensible."

Mom shakes her head in disgust, "That was down right appalling to talk to young girls that way."

"How disgraceful for an adult man to talk to teenage girls that way. Olivia is a wonderful young lady, she deserves better treatment than that," Dad states. "I wouldn't have invited him to my party had I known."

"I'm sorry, I wish I had told you everything sooner," I fret.

He lets out a sigh, "She might not see it now, but it was probably for the best. They come from such different backgrounds."

"So you think they shouldn't be together because she doesn't come from money?" I chide.

"Of course not. That's not what I meant at all. I think they come from different value systems. Your mother and I have known the Sullivan's for over a decade, much of that time you were just a child and didn't notice the things we noticed. Yes, Benjamin has instilled great work ethic into his boys, but that's all he's given them. Benjamin himself doesn't understand what it means to truly take care of your family so how could he possibly teach it to his sons?"

I nod in agreement, Dad is right.

Dad continues, "I've watched Landon grow up for the last twelve years. He's a good kid, coming from a home that lacks love and I hate to say it but he lacks what it takes to be a good boyfriend, and good husband in the future. Just look how he left Olivia to defend their relationship to his father, the man who treated her callously. She deserves better and I hope she can see that in time."

"Yeah, you're right," I agree.

"Now I know you son, and I know you probably want to try and fix all of this but it's probably best if you just stay out of it. Try not to take sides, and I know that might be hard since she lives with us but keep in mind Landon has been like a brother to you since kindergarten. Just try not to let this effect your friendship with him."

Mom gets a pint of Ben and Jerry's from the freezer then starts to hand it over to Courtney along with a piece of cake, "Please take this up to Olivia."

"I'll do it," I volunteer scooping the plate and ice cream from Courtney's grasp.

It had been two hours since she locked herself away in her room. When asked to come down for dinner she refused and said she wasn't hungry.

I stand at the door for a moment. A never-ending loop of sad songs has been on repeat all day. Earlier I heard her in the bathroom singing "I Can't Make you Love Me" by Bonnie Raitt. I softly knock and she allows me in. The sounds of "Not Gon' Cry" by Mary J. Blige creeps out of the door as I open it.

"My mom thought you might want some dessert."

She releases her teddy bear from her clutch and sits up, "Thanks," she wipes the tears from her red and puffy eyes with a crumpled Kleenex.

I hand over the plate then reach in my pocket. "Dana wanted me to give you this," I sit the piece of paper on the side table. It has Dana's number on it. "She wanted to make sure you were ok and said call her if you want to hang out after school one day."

"Thanks," she sadly nods.

"I just wanted to apologize for the part I played in this. I should have told you. Or at the very least forced Landon to come clean. I hope you can forgive me."

"There is nothing to forgive. It's not your fault. He's your best friend and like you said you were stuck between a rock and a hard place. If it were Tee Tee and her boyfriend, I wouldn't have said anything to him either."

"I'd feel better if you let me make it up to you anyway. Let me treat you to pizza on Friday after school. I can drop you off at home afterward."

"Ok," she agrees, "but only if you take me to the comic bookstore you're always talking about."


There's a window of opportunity for opening up for Connor, do you think he'll take it? Or will he stay loyal to Landon? Let me know in the comments.

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