Chapter 55: Connor

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I love my little brother, but he seriously has the worst timing! I see Matthew standing down the hall at my parent's bedroom door.

"Mom and Dad are out, what's wrong?" I grouse.

"I had a nightmare," he whimpers.

I'm aggravated but try hard not to take it out on him. He's been having nightmares for the last few weeks which is why my mother wanted us to listen out for him.

"Come on, let's get you some water then back to bed." I look back into my room where Olivia remains on my bed. "I'll be back." She nods and I take Matthew down to the kitchen. I pour him just a little bit of water in his favorite batman cup. I guide him back upstairs and tuck him into bed.

"Connor will you stay with me?"

I scream internally, I want to hurry back to Olivia so we can hopefully pick up where we left off. If I wait too long the mood will be lost. "I have a better idea," I whistle for Piper, she comes quickly. "How about I let Piper sleep with you tonight? But you can't tell mom I let her sleep in here."

His eyes light up, "Really?"

Mom doesn't typically like Piper to sleep in his room because he will stay up half the night playing with her but I need to distract him so I can leave. I pat the bed and Piper hops up beside him.

"She can only stay in here if you're quiet and you don't get out of bed. Ok?"

"Ok," he agrees but I know it's a lie. He'll be out of bed playing tug of war with her soon as I shut his door.

"Ok, Goodnight Matt. And remember you have to stay quiet and stay in bed." I shut the door and scurry down the hall to my room. I'm disappointed to see Olivia is getting ready to leave my room.

"Leaving already? The movie isn't over yet."

"I'm pretty tired, I think I'll go home now," she says in her best Forrest Gump voice. She walks across the hall to her room wrapped in her favorite blanket. Her hazel eyes smile slyly at me, "Goodnight Connor."

"Sweet dreams, Birdie."


I lay in bed thinking of our almost kiss. Her lips looked full and soft. God I bet her kisses are sweet and tender. I wonder why she left my room afterward? Maybe she thinks I'm awful. Maybe I am awful, putting the moves on her two weeks after their break-up.

Before I have time to ponder that thought, I hear a loud crash and glass shattering downstairs. I jump out of bed and open my bedroom door, I hear a man's voice coming from downstairs. I listen more closely, but it's not my father's voice. My heart races. Olivia opens her bedroom door and peeks her head out.

"What was—"

I shake my head and place my index finger to my lips, indicating her to stay quiet.

I immediately grab my Louisville Slugger from behind my door, then guide her into Matthew's room. "Stay here," I instruct then creep down the hardwood staircase, both my fists wrapped tightly around the bat. There's a man kneeling on the ground in our formal dining room. His back is to me and there is glass around him. I haul the bat into the swinging position.

"CONNOR NOOOO!" Courtney cries out as she rounds the corner with a dustpan in hand.

The man turns around and I lower the bat.

"Who the hell is this!" I yell.

"He's just a friend. It was dark when we came in and he knocked into mom's China cabinet."

I get a good look at the guy as he stands up. He's about 5'9, muscular build with a full dark beard. He has to be in his mid-twenties.

"What the hell were you thinking bringing some strange guy into the house at midnight?"

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