Chapter 38: Landon

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My eyes flicker open when the morning light starts to illuminate my room. Olivia's back is turned away from me, her curls tucked in a floral silk scarf. I scoot into her back, pulling her body close to mine. My left hand snakes under her shirt and my fingertips gently tug at her nipples. She shifts, resting her ass against my stiffness.

"Good Morning," she greets in a sleepy voice. "How are you feeling?"

"Much better thanks to you."

She lays with me for a few minutes before she sits up then reaches for the thermometer on the bedside table. "Lift your tongue," she sticks the thermometer in my mouth. After a few seconds it beeps, "98.7," she smiles. "Back to normal."

Around 3am last night, I woke up with my clothes and pillow soaked from my fever breaking. Olivia stripped the bed and put on fresh sheets and a blanket while I showered. By the time I finished, she had clothes laid out on the bed for me.

"How's your throat?"

"Still a little scratchy and still can't breathe out of my nose."

"Any body aches?"

"Not nearly as bad as yesterday."

"My mom is at work, and I have the day off so I should be able to stay with you for most of the day. I'll go make you some breakfast so you can take your first dose of medicine. You don't want to take it on an empty stomach."

I smile at her, "My own private nurse, this is kind of hot."

She smirks and pushes my arm, "I'll be back in a little bit."


After a few minutes I start to miss her so I go down to the kitchen to keep her company. I silently round the corner, Olivia captivates me while cooking. She's making pancakes, bacon and eggs. I watch her at the stove in her pajamas and a feeling of warm and love envelops my heart. Her simple presence ignites something within me.

I love the way her nose crinkles when she smiles. I love her infectious laughter. I love her genuine kindness. Her very soul enchants me, leaving me powerless against these newfound emotions. The sight of her fills me with affection I can no longer deny. I'm in love with Olivia Walker.

"Look at you being all wifely," I tease.

She beams brighter than the mid-day sun, "Really?"

I wrap my arms tightly around her, "I could get use to this. The married life might be a good look on us." I rest my face against hers.

Her face flushes and her cheeks are hot to the touch, "Landon," she says in a low wobbly voice.

"What? I'm just saying," I give a wolfish grin. "Thank you for taking care of me, Ollie. I've never had anyone look after me like this, you know. Irene didn't pay too much attention and my father certainly never cared. Even when I was little, my nanny would just leave me in my room and check on me every now and then."

"Baby that's terrible but you don't ever have to worry about that as long as you have me." 

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