Chapter 68: Landon

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 I wake up around 5am. Olivia is tucked comfortably in my arms. She had a nightmare and crawled into my bed just after 1am. It's fine though, I was able to get some sleep knowing she was safe in my arms. I'm still worried about her state of mind and even though I flushed the pills, I'm not sure if she could get a hold of anything else.

While Olivia is still asleep, I go into the hotel's business center to print out Mapquest directions. New York is a straight shot, but I know will need directions to the hotel once we're in the city. While I'm down there I call to make reservations at the hotel. When she stayed at my house during Christmas break, she made us watch Home Alone 2—twice, so I just know she's going to be thrilled. My father is going to kill me when he finds out why I'm running up my credit card. I've spent the last 13 years trying to please him, for once I'm doing something for myself. At least it will be two, maybe three weeks before he even sees the statement.

Olivia is still knocked out when I get back to the room. I take a quick shower before waking her.

I gently nudge her, "Ollie, it's almost 6, we need to get going soon." She swats my hand away, and pulls the covers over her head. "Ollie, come on. You have to get up." I pull back the blanket, "Come on let's get going."

After several minutes of encouragement, she finally makes it out of the bed and into the shower. I don't think she is really a morning person. The sun isn't even out yet so I guess I can't blame her.

After a trip to McDonald's for a few breakfast sandwiches Olivia and I make our way onto I-95 for the last leg of our trip. Olivia is giddy as she strains to see the distant monuments as we zoom past D.C. Her excitement is palpable as we watch the sprawling New Jersey suburbs give way to the busy urban landscape of North Jersey. The original MapQuest directions had us enter the city by traveling through the Lincoln Tunnel. However, I wanted to recreate Kevin McAllister's trip into New York City for Olivia which of course means entering the city using the George Washington Bridge. She shrieks in excitement as we cross the bridge with the top down, the city growing ever so big in front of us.

"Landon this is so freaking dope!" she marvels.

"I'm glad you're having fun!"

"Hey, I forgot to ask, where are we staying?"

I grin and simply reply "It's a surprise".


"Oh my god, look at this place," Olivia looks up at the building. "Are you sure it's ok to stay here? We can just stay at the Sheraton again."

"No, I want you to have the full New York City experience." The doorman opens the door as we enter. "Besides this is where we always stay."

We enter the hotel lobby; Olivia looks around in awe at a huge crystal chandelier on showcase. We stroll across the marble floors to the front desk and are greeted by the desk clerk. "Good afternoon Sir, Ma'am. Welcome to The Plaza Hotel, how may I assist you today?"

"Yes, I have a reservation for Landon Sullivan."

The front desk clerk types away at her computer, "Yes Sir, may I have an identification card and a card for payment?"

I hand her my driver's license and my American Express card, which my father said to only use in an emergency. However, helping the love of my life through a crisis seems like an emergency to me. The clerk confirms my reservation and puts my information into the system.

"Here you are Mr. Sullivan," she hands me my card along with a room key. "Please enjoy your stay."

Immediately a bellhop takes our suitcase, "Would you like me to get that for you Sir?"

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