Chapter 19: Landon

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I jerk around in time to see my dad standing before me with a very incredulous look on his face before walking over to the boombox to turn the music off.

"Hello Father. I'm sorry about the music, I figured you were working late today sinc-"

"Landon," he turns up his nose "why are these... people in my pool?"

I stand up from the stairs of the pool, "Oh, this is Tameka, Tanisha and Olivia."

The girls politely smile and greet him. I turn toward Olivia and grab her hand as she stands up. "Olivia, and I are--"

"Landon, I don't care who these hood rats are, they don't belong in the neighborhood and unless they want to pick up a broom or mop, they certainly don't belong in my home. Get rid of them immediately before any of the neighbors see them."

An infuriated Tanisha gets out of the pool, "Excuse me! What did he just say?"

Sensing the tension, Olivia tries her best to smooth the situation. "Tee Tee, calm down." She walks over to my father, "Mr. Sullivan, my name is Olivia and these are my friends. I'm sorry if the music was too loud, we will keep it down, the last thing we want to do is disrespect your home--"

He barks, "LANDON, I don't care who this half-breed is. Get her and these other monkeys away before I call the police!"

What the fuck? I'm extremely confused about my father's behavior. I've never heard him speak in such a manner. "Dad! Where is this coming from! Olivia is my girlfriend and her friends and I are just having a good time. You and Irene have always said that I could have anyone over!"

"And Connor!" my father scolds. "Your father is running for State Senator! You are jeopardizing his career by getting involved with these girls."

"Mr. Sullivan, I'm sorry we were too loud but the girls are our friends." Connor replies.

He frowns, "I passed Spencer on his way out and now I see why he left, he's the only one of you that has the decency to know right from wrong."

"But Dad! You're being crazy! We're having fun. They are my company, and they are staying."

"Rosita!" he bellows into the pool house income.

Rosita appears, "Yes Sir?"

"Call down to security and tell them there are trespassers. I want them out and I want to press full charges."

"Sir, are you sure? They are just kids."

"I will not tolerate insubordination!" he booms. "Call the police!"

"Right away, Sir." Rosita slowly disappears into the house.

I can't believe this is actually happening right now. My mouth drops open, and I cock my head in confusion. "Why?"

Olivia and her friends begin to panic.

"Look, let's just go, I don't want to get in trouble. Can you just give us a ride home?" she asks me.

"Yes, but this is crazy! I—I --I don't know why he's acting like this. I always have people over."

"Yea, I get that but I doubt they were black." She looks over at a fuming Benjamin standing about fifteen feet away. "Clearly your dad is furious. We need to go," she frets.

I'm, in a daze and can only muster, "Yeah, ok Sweetie."

My father heatedly looks on as the visibly shaken girls franticly gather their things.

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