Chapter 6: Olivia

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My friends and I hop in Tanisha's mom's tan Oldsmobile station wagon with wood paneling. Tanisha gets into the driver's seat and Stefon in the passenger seat. Tameka, Terrence and I get in the back seat and Gabriella hops into the third row.

Gabriella turns around onto her knees from the third row. "So, what up with you and Landon? Is he your boyfriend?"

"No, we've only gone out twice," I respond.

"I saw you trying to suck his face off in the snack bar," Tameka mocks. "Just admit he's your man."

"But he isn't. We're just friends."

"I think he wants to be more than friends, I saw him caressing your hips during that last song," Terrence teases. "Are you going out with him again tomorrow?"

"Yes..." I begin to blush. "It's a double date with Tee Tee"

"I know that's right! Better get you a rich man," Gabriella teases.

"You're almost as bad as Kita! I don't care about his money, I just think he's nice. He's very guarded though. I really have to pry to get certain information from him."

Tanisha laughs, "But Liv you can train him out of that."

"Train him! What is he, a dog?" I question.

"Hell yea, ruff ruff," Stefon jokes.

"Guys aren't like girls, we don't like talking about our feelings and shit." Terrance chimes in.

"But me and Q never had that problem. We talked about everything. But Landon shies away from any deep conversations."

"GIRL, you've only know him for a little over a week, you want him to spill his guts to you? You've known Quan for eight years so of course he's willing to talk about things." Stefon exclaims.

"Maybe you're right, I'll give it more time."


The next day Tanisha comes over to my apartment to wait for Landon and Connor. I sit with my legs crossed on my bed while Tanisha does my hair.

"What style were you thinking?" she asks.

"Two Dutch braids."

"Ok," Tanisha takes the comb and parts my hair down the middle. "I know you're not wearing that?" she frowns.

"What's wrong with my outfit?" I'm wearing baggy jeans and a baggy shirt. I don't typically like tight or revealing clothes.

"You're going on a date; you need to show off that cute body of yours."

I scoff, "Fine, I'll change the shirt, but you know I love these jeans. Plus it's cold in the theater."

"Olivia you better change that whole outfit." Tanisha insists as she finishes up the first braid. "Anyway, Landon can keep you warm," she teases.

"Umm, I don't know. We'll see. So what's the deal with you and Connor? You two looked cozy last night."

"Like I said he's a really nice guy. A little boring for me though."

"So why did you agree to go out with him today?"

"Because YOU suggested it and I'll admit it has been nice to take my mind off of Craig. Besides last night—" she trails off, "Nevermind."

"No what, tell me."

"So last night Connor seemed to ask a lot of questions about you."

"About me?"

"I mean, he didn't make it overly obvious what he was doing but he was definitely interested in getting to know about you."

I nudge Tanisha, "Maybe he's nosy like you, and is tyrna get the 411 on his best friend's potential new girlfriend."

She nods in agreement, "True, true."

Tanisha finishes up my hair and I go over to my closet. As requested, I change my outfit.

"What do you think about this denim skort with this Tommy Hilfiger shirt?"


I slip on the skort then grab my Cucumber Melon lotion and put some on my legs. I spritz on some Cucumber Melon body spray and put cherry Lip Smackers on my lips.

"Wear those bamboo earrings. You look so cute in those." Tanisha suggests.

I go into my jewelry box to grab the earrings then I notice the time, "It's almost 1, we should go wait outside."

"You're not letting them come to the door?"

"No, I'm not ready for my mom to meet Landon yet. Not until I know where it's going."

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