Chapter 30: Olivia

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I pace around my room waiting for Mrs. Harrington's arrival. Thanks to Connor and my new friend Courtney, their father had gotten me an audition at the Turner School for The Performing Arts. Getting a chance to audition with such a prestigious performing arts school was a dream come true. I was shocked when I received a phone call from the school to schedule an audition. Shortly after I received another call from Courtney and Connor and learned Mr. Harrington was friendly with one of the board members. After seeing my performance at the opening, he pulled a few strings to get me the audition but I'd have to earn the spot on my own merit.

My stomach turned as I ponder the reasoning for Mrs. Harrington's visit. Was it to break the bad news that I didn't get in? Perhaps she was coming in person to soften the blow. I almost jump out of my skin when I hear the knock on the door. I scurry out of my room as my mom opens the front door.

"Good afternoon, Yolanda." Patricia greets.

"Hello, Patricia, Courtney, please come in."

My heart races, "Hello Mrs. Harrington."

"Hello Olivia, how are you today?" She gives me a light hug.

"I'm ok. Hey Court," I greet.

Courtney brings me in for a warm embrace. Was this a, "sorry you didn't get in" comfort hug?

"Hey Olivia," she says with a smile.

"Please everyone, have a seat," My mom gestures toward the couch.

It's a small apartment so we don't own much furniture. Patricia and my mom take a seat at either end of the sofa with me in the middle. Courtney takes a seat in an old rocker that belonged to my great grandmother.

"I know you must be curious as to why we came here today," Patricia starts, "I wanted to give this to you in person," she hands me a white envelope.

My heart races as I quickly open it and began to read, "We are pleased to offer you a spot for the second semester of the 98-99 school year—Oh my God, I got in!" I shriek as I jump up from my seat.

Courtney joins and brings me in a big embrace, "See! I told you you'd get in!"

"This is so amazing," I hug my mother.

"I'm so proud of you Sweetie! I knew you could do it."

My excitement quickly sours, "Mrs. Harrington, I'm very grateful that Mr. Harrington got me the audition but I can't afford to go here." I sit back down, "And even if we could afford it, it's way too far of a commute, I don't have a car."

My mom and I had talked about it before I even went to the audition. She said we'd cross that bridge when we got to it, the only thing I needed to focus on was nailing my audition. And to put my trust in the Lord. If it's for me to go, God would make a way.

"No worries sweetheart," Patricia gently cradles my hand, "that's why I wanted to speak with you and your mother in person. I understand you have quite a few challenges to overcome," she reaches in her purse and pulls out more papers. "I have looked into getting you a scholarship, but we've missed all the deadlines so my foundation will cover the full cost of your tuition."

"Your foundation?" my mother inquires.

"Yes, The Kathryn Dupree Foundation. My parents started it in honor of my sister. My sister was heavily into the performing arts. She taught ballet in New York, unfortunately she died of breast cancer about 10 years ago. My parents and I started the foundation in her honor. We cover tuition cost for students from disadvantaged communities so they can attend performing arts schools such as Turner. I also realize that the school is about 40 minutes away from here by car and no telling how long the commute would take on public transportation, that is why we'd like to offer you a room in our home."

I'm taken back by the offer. "What? Really?"

Patricia turns her attention to my mom, "She would stay with us during the week and ride to and from school with Courtney. And I assure you Courtney is an excellent driver and very responsible. On Friday nights she could come back home to spend the weekends with you. And it goes without saying you will always be welcome to visit at any time. We'd love to have you over for dinner as much as you'd like."

"Patricia, that is so kind of you, but I feel like that would be asking too much of your family. You all have already done so much for Olivia."

"Yolanda, I promise you it wouldn't be a problem. We've hosted several foreign exchange students in years past, so we are delighted to open our home to Courtney's and Connor's friend."

"Patricia, I really appreciate everything you've done but," Mama places her hand on my knee and gives it a squeeze, "I'm not sure I'm ready for my baby girl to move out of the house just yet."

"I know you must have some concerns about this arrangement. As a mother of two teenage girls, I fully recognize how hard this decision will be. But I assure you Olivia would be a in great care, and she will be treated as part of our family and that includes adhering to the family rules such as following a curfew, no boys in her room, and maintaining good grades." Patricia focuses her attention back to me, "We want you to feel welcome, our home is your home. You will have your own fully furnished room. You can decorate it however you like. It will be like having your own dorm in college. Bring posters, pictures, rug, comforter whatever will make the room feel like your own."

"Wow, that would be awesome!"

"Olivia what would you do about work since you go in after school some days?" My mom asks.

"I'll talk to Kris, I'm sure he won't have any problems if I can only work weekends."

"And what about choir rehearsals? I don't want you quitting the choir."

"I'll figure it out, I promise I won't quit."

"How often are rehearsals?" Courtney inquires.

"Once a week, Thursday nights."

"Oh, that's easy. Connor and I can take turns taking you," she offers.

"I know this is all moving very quickly and you two have a lot to discuss, however the school needs an answer within a few days. If you decide to move forward with this, which I sincerely hope you do, the new semester starts after winter break. Olivia can move in the weekend before they go back."

"Well thank you so much Patricia, I will talk everything over with Olivia and give this some very serious thought." My mom stands up from her seat and everyone else follows suit. "I'll be in contact with you soon." She walks the Harringtons over to the door.

"Thank you Mrs. Harrington," I smile.

"You are very welcome my Dear."

She clasps my mother's hands into hers, "Olivia, earned this and she absolutely deserves it."

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