Chapter 12: Landon

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The last bell of the day rings. Finally it's the weekend. I exit class and head to my locker. I see Connor at his locker which is right beside mine.

"Are you going to Heather's party tonight?" Connor asks.

"Nah. Are you going?"

Connor pulls a note from his Physics textbook and hands it to me. "I found this note in my locker after fourth period. I have to go, there's a girl that's excited to see me tonight. I can't disappoint her," he smiles.

I unfold the heavily perfumed piece of paper. A red lipstick kiss placed near the bottom jumps out at me. I begin to read the note: Connor, hope to see you at Heather's party tonight. I'll save you a dance. Signed your secret admirer.

I recognize my old lab partner's handwriting and I know exactly who it is. Of course, I don't spoil it for him. I hand the note back as Samantha approaches.

"Hey guys, what are you two up to?"

"Just talking about Heather's party tonight," Connor replies.

Samantha slips her arm into mine. "Great, what time are you picking me up?"

"Oh, I'm not going. But you can go if you want."

"Don't be silly, I wouldn't go to a party without my boyfriend, so, of course, you're going."

"Come on Samantha. We spent all summer going to every party you wanted to go to. I'm not doing this every weekend."

"Stop being such a recluse," she retorts. "All you ever want to do is stay home and play video games. You need to be more social."

"I am social."

"I'm sorry but hanging with Connor does NOT count as being social."

"I just hate big parties. I'd rather hang out with a few good friends than with a bunch of people I don't know. Why can't you understand that?"

"Because it's not normal. We're young, we're supposed to party, not act like hermits and stay locked away in our rooms." She takes a breath, "Connor are you going?"


"See, Connor's going. If your best friend is going you should go too."

"Fine," I groan. "I'll go."

"Great! You'll pick me up at 8?"

I know that was more of a demand rather than a question. "Sure. See you later."


I go home and wait until it's time to leave for the party. I hate going to parties and wouldn't even be going if Samantha wasn't making me. I always find peace and solace alone in my room. I can study or get lost in a good book. There's nothing better than staying to myself in the quiet of my own room. It probably stems from childhood. My parents would often send me away to my room if I was being too bothersome, so eventually I just learned to stay here.

I sit at the computer to check the stock market....The Dow down 27.40 points I read, S&P rose 3.01 and Nasdaq gained 6.39. I continue reading when my Nokia cell phone rings. I let out a sigh figuring it's Samantha demanding something. I pick up my phone and I'm stunned to see its Olivia. It's been five days since we've had sex for the first time. Five days of thinking about her body against mine. Five days since I last spoke to her. I know I should probably pick up. I should apologize for being distant but I'm not sure what to say to her. So instead of picking up and telling her I'm sorry. Telling her I've missed talking to her. Telling her I'm afraid because she makes me feel in a way no other girl has made me feel, I wuss out and let the phone go to voicemail and try to busy myself by looking at my stock portfolio.

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