Landon's Interview

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Landon comes in and extends a hand to me, "Hello, how are you?"

"I'm good thanks, please have a seat," I gesture to the chair across from me.

Landon takes a seat and smooths out his crisp white button-up and khaki pants.

"Can you please introduce yourself to the audience," I say.

"My name is Landon Sullivan, I'm 18 years old," he says with a flat expression.

"Thank you, so let's start with an easy question. How is married life?"

"It's great. I wasn't expecting to have to pay rent and bills until after I was done with school, but I love being Ollie's husband and I love taking care of her. It feels good to be needed." He looks concerned for a moment, "But there are times I'm worried about Ollie. She has taken Gabby's death really hard and there are days I feel like she is on a downward spiral. Sometimes I just worry about keeping her safe."

"Safe from what? Herself?"

"I don't really care to elaborate," he says expressionlessly.

"Ok I understand." I move on to the next question. "Olivia tells me you're at Emory University, was that a tough decision choosing not to go to Yale?"

Landon keeps a neutral face, "Yes and No. My whole life I dreamed of going to Yale or at least I thought it was my dream, but I realized it was my father's dream for me. My whole life he basically said it was expected that my brother and I go. So yes, it was hard in a sense because I didn't want to disappoint my father but also it was an easy decision to stay in Atlanta because my wife was there, and I didn't want to be apart from her. We talked about her delaying a semester and applying to Southern Connecticut State University but the out of state tuition would have been too much, so that wouldn't work out."

"How are things with your family now that you and Olivia have tied the knot?"

A frown tugs at his lips, "My father has disowned me and completely cut me off. I don't really talk to my mom much, but she paid my first-year tuition so I'm thankful that I didn't have to take out any student loans right away. My brother, James, likes Olivia but thinks I'm crazy to piss off our father. Apparently, our father told James he hoped I come to my senses soon or I would be cut out of the will. And I heard he keeps the annulment papers sitting on his desk waiting for me."

"How does that make you feel knowing your father is willing to cut you off because of who you love?"

"Angry. Sad. But I knew it was a risk when I asked Ollie to marry me. But Ollie has given me the type of love my parents have never given me. And her mother, Yolanda, treats me like a son. I've gained the love and family that I always wanted by marrying Ollie and that's worth not being in my father's stupid will. I don't need his money; I'll be successful and make my own. Build my own legacy for Ollie and our children."

"We've talked about family, let's move on and talk about friendships. Are you and Connor still friends?"

"Yes, we're still friends we've just been really busy and don't get to talk much but I'm hoping to see him over the holiday."

"Do you think you and Connor will ever be close again knowing that he had feelings for Olivia?"

"I honestly don't see that as a problem." Landon gives me a devilish smile. "I don't know if you notice," he shows off his wedding band, but I got the girl. That's old news. I'm sure whatever feelings he had for her were fleeting. Any little crush he had was only because she lived with him, but he has a girlfriend now, so I assure you he isn't thinking about Ollie."

"Final question, what are your plans for the future?"

"After we finish our undergrad degrees, we plan to move to New York. Olivia plans to start a career on Broadway and I'll be getting my MBA at Columbia."

"Well, that sounds very exciting. Thanks for taking time to speak with me and I wish you all the best."

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