Mysterious Invaders!

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Taking off, was different because ... Palutena woke you guys up too quickly. 

(Y/N): (yawning) What time is it? 

Pit: Too ... sleepy. 

Yang: I don't even have time to brush my hair? What is this? 

Blake: What's going on? 

Palutena: Sorry to drag you out so early, but we've got an emergency. We have a BIG problem. Bigger than all of us gods.

A whole cluster of islands were shooting beams at the ground below! 

Pit: WHAT THE?! 

(Y/N): The planet is getting invaded! 

Some unknown enemies appear! They seem to be technological! 

Blake: WHAT?! 

Weiss: What are these things, Palutena?! 

Palutena: I'm not even sure what THEY are!

Ruby: Wait ... maybe they're Viridi's elite units of the Forces of Nature! 

Viridi: Oh, come on! Do those even look natural to you? 

Pit: Vi- 

Hades: Morning, Do-gooders! 

Pit: HADES! 

(Y/N): Are you two working together on this? 

Hades: Sadly, no, though I do applaud any and all violence directed at you.

Viridi: Plus, you should know that I'd never work with Hades. In fact, I was about to destroy him when THEY suddenly appeared.

Hades: No, they saved HER at the last minute.

Blake: So, you guys don't even know what they are. 

Hades: I'm sure know-it-all Palutena is just dying to illuminate us.

Palutena: Unfortunately, I don't know any more than you do. I can only tell you that they're not of this world.

Pit: You mean ... they're invaders from space!? 

Viridi: They're not just invading. This swarm is harvesting whole sections of the earth! They're like bees taking pollen back to whatever hive they call home.

Hades: Not to quibble over details, but I think locusts are a more apt analogy. But whatever they are, they must be stopped. Earth is MY flower to plunder, not theirs!

Viridi: Do I have to do everything around here? Forces of Nature, drop the hammer!

Hades: I guess we Underworlders will get in the mix, too. Shoot anything that moves!

(Y/N): Even in a moment like this, Hades and Viridi can't cooperate. 

Palutena: I recommend staying out of their squabble. 

(Y/N): Right. 

Near the islands, someone comes in! 


Everyone: HUH?! 

A man engulfed in flames takes down the enemies in his path! 

A man engulfed in flames takes down the enemies in his path! 

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Pyrrhon: Villains are no match for Pyrrhon!

Palutena: Pyrrhon? The sun god Pyrrhon?

Pyrrhon: The one and only!

Ruby: WOW! He's like an actual superhero!!! 

Pit: This wacko is the Sun God? 

Viridi: Well, that's what he calls himself anyway.

Pyrrhon: Ah! So you're all together?! Good! Pyrrhon loves a party!

(Y/N): Hey, Pyrrhon, do you know what these things are? 

Pyrrhon: Of course! They're the Aurum, and THIS passel of floating islands is just one of their bases.

Hades: Just ONE of their bases?! How much more hell DO they plan to raise?

Pyrrhon: Let me drop a little knowledge on you!

Viridi: Oh, goody.

Pyrrhon: It's all in the Book of Divine Prophecy, chapter 84, section 3. "Beckoned by destruction and corruption, the Aurum are born from and return to nothing. "They travel across the galaxy to swallow up the heavens, land, and seas."

Viridi: I don't remember that passage.

Pyrrhon: I'll break it down for you, godlings. The Aurum are gonna eat the entire earth! But stow your fear. Pyrrhon has a delivery, and the return address is "justice."

Pit: We can trust this guy, right?

Ruby: I'd believe him! LOOK AT HIM GO!!! 

Pyrrhon: Fear the wrath of my pyroblasters, space weirdos! HAHAHAHAHA! Kablooey! Kablammy!

Ruby: HE'S SO COOL!! 

Weiss: And we lost her. 

Viridi: You know things are dire if that's the guy we got to listen to.

(Y/N): I just want to say that this is Viridi's fault. 


(Y/N): Pyrrhon said that the Aurum are "beckoned by destruction and corruption." In other words, your plan to wipe out humanity with the reset bombs drew them here. 

Palutena: I have to agree with (Y/N). 

Blake: Definitely. Maybe this wouldn't have happened if you just listened to us. 

Viridi: HEY! SHUT UP! The Aurum are the aggressors here, we're the victims! 

Palutena: You're absolutely right. Like it or not, we're on the same side now.

Yang: Oh goody. 

Palutena directed you all to the center of the Aurum Islands. 

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