🌸"Orange You Glad?"🌸

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"Bruno, did you know that the Greeks in the morning would eat oranges? They were firm believers in fruit-curing fevers, and I agree. See, they believe that an orange warms the stomach."


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Inpu's claw like hands are rather impracticable sometimes.


Most of the time.
And this task was not the precent, it would shoot out and get in cuts he either knew he had or ones he didn't know he had.

He had basically just asked out the hottest and most compassionate person in camp. Well he found him compassionate others weren't so giving.

He had been doing research for the longest time of a cute but symbolic gesture, a book of Greek love symbols came in handy, Bryan loved the outside and cooking, so Inpu was attempting to make orange macaroons.

They were more like regular orange flavored sugar cookies cookies with frosting in the middle but he decided the thought was enough after all the shit it took even peel the oranges. 

You see these in Ancient Greek belief that much like many other fruits oranges and orange blossoms meant   symbols of love and fruitfulness.

This belief started in ancient times, as it was seen as the color reflective of love, both earthly and heavenly. Greek muses wore orange, as did Bacchus, the pagan Roman god. It was too prefect.

And now Inpu knew why it was, but he prevailed, he put them in a small box and tied a bow around it. In the middle he took some tape and put some pressed blossoms that the fruit grew, the soft cream petals matched the white bow and soft orange box to a tea.

He arrived soon and walked around, he found Bryan in the back patio reading while drinking some tea which seemed to be laced with roses, Inpu was caught off guard by the sight and couldn't help but a stare a while.

Bryan's soft slightly parted lips went from a resting spot to a soft smirk as he met Inpu's eyes,

"Good morning, my Love."

Inpu flushed for a moment and joined him at the table,

"Your lucky I was gonna start on a salad for lunch after this chapter. Would you like to join me?"

"Yes, speaking of lunch though I brought a gift..."
His voice trailed to a mutter, the angel always managed to pick him apart in all the right ways with just his eyes.

His smirk shifted to a soft smile

"You don't need to worry about giving me things."

"I insist."

He laughed a bit before taking the box,

"Than I suppose I'll indulge you."

He careful took apart the bow and flowers, he tied the blossoms with the ribbon and held them for a minute, he careful looked at them and smiled.

It was obvious Bryan loved nature ,it was a form of beauty after all, but after his past of relationships it was adorable to see Inpu put in such detail. He sat them down finally and picked carefully at the tape after a few times of that same movement the wrapping simply fell off.

He opened the box and smiled. He unfolded the box and sat the plate on it.
He just looked and admired them for a moment.

He knew what they meant...
He taught Inpu that when he asked about the pantheon.

Inpu moved his chair closer to Bryan's side and when he noticed him staring at them almost hurt to eat all his lover's hard work. Inpu picked up one and put to his mouth.

Bryan noticed his arm and looked at Inpu but was met with cookie. He rolled his eyes with a smile and bit the cookie. It was know in between his teeth has he careful date it. When he finish ed he looked at Inpu and laughed,


"Are you?"
Bryan turned a bit red and quickly nodded.

"Thank you my love."

"Thank you..."
Bryan laid on his shoulder and laughed,

"That's a rather cheesy response."

Inpu laid his head and Bryan's, his ears drupped to the side,

"I learned from the best."
Me rn after writing this:

"—————————————Me rn after writing this:

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