🌓What I Once Wished🎭

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Inpu lore but not canon but fun.

"A certain darkness is needed to see the stars."

Hc is by the lovely KC 👑

Hc is by the lovely KC 👑—————————————

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After the whole ordeal of the trident left the triplets cuddled up in their father's arms in the bed which was made for such a thing. They wanted to get their minds off it all, they wanted relief, even a minute to not feel so lost.

"Papa? How did you realize you loved Dad?" Atlas finally spoke up, though talking about their other father could be touchy, it made all four of them feel safe.

Inpu signed almost in shame remembering it all, how blind he was until the Aphrodite's Ball, how he almost lost it all.

"At first it was strange to show love openly, I never saw it growing up..."

After the events of that night all he could think of was Bryan.

He realized he was so hopelessly in love him, he realized his life had been so dark without him, he needed him...

As he ran he noticed the shooting stars, was this good of bad? A shooting star is a meteor burning out, but it is also wished on, to beg for one more chance.

And that's what he did.

He begged, he cried as he ran, praying that the goddess Nut would have mercy on him, perhaps even Hathor would pity such a broken man. Anyone at this point...
Pity feels awful to get but it's better to hear such than to hear his own mind.

He probably looked manic.

Yet when he reached the manor, he learned his prayers were answered, for some reason...Why?

He didn't deserve it.
Bryan doesn't deserve Inpu.
Why would he do that to him again?

This whole time his lover healed him, the second he felt his adrenaline end, and his body finally collapsed onto Bryan.

"I love you...I can't live without it, it's like I could breathe but nothing could fill me, nothing could save me anymore. I was so bad at showing it maybe even verbalizing it but I do. I do. I do. I do."

Bryan held him and slowly pet his head, he softly cooed sweet nothings to the shell of a man below him,

"I don't deserve this..."
Inpu finally found words, as his head finally made sense of it, he tried to pull away and apologize,

"You deserve someone better, please just...I don't deserve this..."

Bryan simply hushed him and spoke,

"You could finish counting all the stars before I could ever finish being in love with you."

The star...
As Inpu wished when he ran here.

As he did when he was a child left by everyone but his sibling.

How he wished to feel true love, yet he almost let it go, despite how he wished Bryan would understand that he should made at Inpu...

But the stars remembered...


He snapped back to reality, that wasn't a story to share with disheartened kids,

"That story is long, and has many turns, but I always loved him. Before I knew him I loved him, I wished on the stars for someone just like him, but I got something better...."

The kids looked confused yet could feel the love tracing every word which told them enough.

"I didn't get someone like him...I was blessed with him."


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