My nicknames and why

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A/n: you laugh you gonna get slapped

Fluffy (I like fluff stories)

Moron (my bro gave this to me)

Fei (my first half of my name fei Wu)

Sass queen (it's a long story)

Dimples (I can't fucking stand my smile)

Dingus (I'm stupid)

Giggles (I laugh a lot)

Flirty fei (I had so many cartoon bfs when I was 9)

Baby face (I don't look older than a day old :) )

Kimchi (I eat it a lot I have a Korean friend)

Bones (I'm skinny af)

Pee pee pants ( I tend to pee a lot and in my pants a lot)

Deebles (I call Mac Donald's mcdeebles bc it seem right)

Boss baby ( hehehehe I will tell you about this when I can)

Warrior princess ( I am just like Mulan)

Wiggle worm (my adhd explains it all)

Buttercup (I watch the powderpuff girls a lot)

Badass (I had to many detentions to many times)

Doubty mcdoubtster (I doubt a lot of things)

Señorita llorona (I cry easily so my Spanish friend called me this word)

Yep that's all they goofy I get it but that's my life! Tell me your favorite nickname in the comments

Wally darling x readerWhere stories live. Discover now