Chapter 1

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"Get the files ready in a minute please" I said to my Personal Assistant, 

"Okay ma'am" she responded and made her way out of my office.

I will be having my one month vacation next weekend and I want to tidy up everything before then. My dad and Richie have really tried so much into convincing me to take a month off work. Well, I hope just like they said, it will help me feel better since I have been feeling so sad lately for no reason.

After some minutes my PA came back with the file. She dropped it on my desk and left. I was going through it when..

"You can't get in there Miss. My boss said she doesn't want to see anyone" I can hear my PA saying as the door opened.

"I am not just anyone" Jane responded.

I let out a sigh and dropped the file on the table. She has always been like this and I know that the reason why she's here is to nag my soul out as always. I signalled my PA to leave. Jane walked to my table furiously.

"You told her not to let me in Becky?"

"I told her not to let anyone in." I responded

"She should know I am not just anyone." She said furiously..


"I don't like her" She said folding her arms.

I let out a sigh and picked my file up again ignoring what she just said. I have a lot in my head to worry about who she likes and who she doesn't.

"Didn't you hear me? I said I don't like her" she repeated

"She's my PA not yours. You don't have to like her..."

"She embarrassed me infront of her colleagues just now"

"She was just obeying orders ..."

"She has seen me a couple of time with you and she knows who I am. Why stop me in the first place?"


"I want her fired" she continued.

"Not gonna happen" I responded unbothered as I go through my file.

"Why not? She disrespected me. Such a person shouldn't be allowed close to you. Not to talk of working for you ..."

"She's cool to me though. I see nothing wrong with her...."

"Are you having anything with her Becky? Why are you defending her so much?"

"That's enough Jane. Maybe I should remind you that you were the one that interviewed and got her employed."

"Because I thought she was good for you. But I realized she clearly isn't."

"She did nothing. She was just following rules..."

"She disrespected me. Your fiancee!! How is that not wrong?!"


"I want her fired"

"I have changed over 5 personal Assistants within the space of 2 months Jane all because of you. I am done getting a new one. She isn't going nowhere"

"Really? Is that how you're going to be now?"

I let out a sigh and looked at her. My dad said getting married will give me peace of mind but Jane makes me lose my mind instead. Her hands are still folded and she's standing close to the shelf. 

"Do we really have to be like this everytime?" I asked weakly

"You can't blame me for that.."

"You know you should learn to trust me. Again! If this marriage gonna hold" I finally voiced it out.

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