Ein is Accepted

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Aphmau's POV:

After I took Aaron's hoodie, I had a good nights rest with no further interruptions. I woke up at my normal time, and I grabbed my cane. I'm so glad I've been using my cane a lot more than my wheelchair lately. My next appointment is in a few days, and I'm sure that I won't have to use the wheelchair anymore soon enough. I carefully walked down the stairs and was surprised to see Alina up with Aaron on the couch, watching some TV together. Croissant was laying by Aaron's feet, taking a nap. I finished walking down the stairs and saw Melissa in the kitchen cleaning some dishes. I decided to help a little, and I dried them for her. We both finished much faster and Melissa got to relax while I hung out with Aaron.

"Oh, hey Aph. How'd you sleep?" He asked.

"Well, it was okay."

"You took my sweater in the middle of the night, didn't you?" He questioned.

"Well, uhm, I-"

"It's fine, I don't mind. I was just laughing because you thought I was asleep." He chuckled. Red was shaded onto my cheeks. He was awake?!! I didn't know! Aaron chuckled a little when he noticed my red cheeks.    

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about it. You can keep it. I'll find another way to help you." He smiled. I smiled back and sat with him on the couch. Melissa went upstairs, saying she was gonna get some reading done. I watched some cartoons with Alina and Aaron until an unexpected knock banged on the door. Me and Aaron looked to each other, asking each other if we invited anyone over. I. Mean, we didn't really say anything, we kinda just said it with our eyes, or something. This time, now feeling much more comfortable walking, I got up with my cane and answered the mysterious knock. To my surprise, again, it was Ein. This was probably the first time since Ein came back that I looked at him in the eyes, and instinctively smiled. That made me feel good.

"Hey Ein! Wasn't expecting to see you today." I said.

"Yeah, sorry for the unexpected visit. I was just stopping by, maybe hoping we can go out again, like the other day." Ein explained.

"Well, maybe we could. We'll just have to tell Melissa. I'll ask Aaron and Melissa. Be right back." I let him inside and slowly walked up the stairs. As I did so, I thought of a great idea. If my friends could accept me, surely they could accept Ein. I mean, he did a lot more wrongs than I did, but once I explain what happened, they'd have to forgive him. Many of them know too well how horrible that potion is. I know they'd understand. Before going to Melissa's room, I went to my own to grab my phone. I sat on my bed to rest my weak legs and went to messages on my phone. I texted all my friends to meet me and Aaron at the park. I made sure not to mention Ein, even though some of my friends didn't ever really hear of Ein.

After that, I went to ask Melissa about leaving. I found her sitting on the floor, leaning her back on her bed, reading a book. She looked up to me at the sound of the door.

"Hey, Melissa. Ein's back, and he wanted to know if we could go out again. Is that okay with you?" I asked.

"Sure, I don't mind. I'll go down to take care of Alina in a minute, after you leave." Melissa answered. I smiled and left her be. I closed the door and walked back down the stairs.

"Hey Ein! Melissa said we can go. Wanna come, Aaron?" I asked him, still walking up to the two. He nodded his head saying yes, and we were on our way. I grabbed my bag, Aaron brought Alina upstairs to Melissa, and we left. After we did, I realized that we had left my wheelchair. Thinking further, I thought I should try to not use it anymore. I'm doing pretty well anyways. I told Ein I as thinking of going to the park, and he agreed. Now it's time to put my new plan into action.

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