Stoutberry Competition

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Somewhere in Lonesome Farms, the stoutberries have been ripened and the farmers harvested them. Then, the trucks were loaded with boxes full of stoutberries and delivered right into Harmonia Falls. Many of them were delivered right into the supermarkets and groceries but a huge box of them are delivered right at the back floor of Pop Diner. Smidge went into the back part of the store and saw the boxes.

"Awww, I missed you guys so much since last season," Smidge purred at the huge boxes. "Now prepare to die, you tasty little devils."

Meanwhile, Bella Brightly, the cafe manager, is now wearing her uniform, opened the cafe and placed a sign, "Smidge's Stoutberry Juice is available".

After baking the pastries, all the customers entered the cafe.

"No need to push friends," Smidge smirked. "Mama Smidge has plenty to go around."

Everybody ordered stoutberry juices to go with their food before heading for work or school and Poppy, who is visiting the diner, is so impressed by how a lot of people ordered a lot of stoutberry beverages from the cafe. All the beings worldwide would talk about the famous stoutberry juice in the Pop Diner and it is becoming so popular. While they were working, Poppy complimented Smidge as the sprite endlessly squeezed all the stoutberries without tiring herself.

"Wow, you're a machine, Smidge," Poppy complimented her. "How did you not get worn out by using your powers to squeeze all those berries?"

"I just loved getting to do something nice for everyone," She answered. "Something only I can do."

Suddenly, DJ Suki came outside with her turntables.

"Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages," She announced. "Guy Diamond proudly presents, the tasting sensation that swept the whole nation, Glitterade!!!!!!"

Guy Diamond came out with his own product, round glass bottles of stoutberry juices with a sparkly sheen on them.

"Say hello to Glitterade!" He said as he advertised his product while eyeing a pack of glittery sugar. "The stoutberry juice we all love with one secret ingredient that I'll never tell."

The people outside started crowding around to buy glitterade. This made Smidge so angry, believing that he would shut her business down.

"Smidge, its okay, breathe!" Poppy tries to calm her down. "I know someone else providing juice might feel threatening but it's a big market, right? Plenty of thirsty creatures for everyone."

Smidge flew out of the soda bar and right towards with anger towards Guy Diamond.

"Hey, nice fucking anticipation there, Guy," She smirked. "But did you say it's made out of goddamn stoutberries? Everybody knows I am the only sprite fucking strong enough to squeeze stoutberries."

"I can do that too but I also realize there is more than one way to squeeze it." He said as he used a special knife and it slashed the stoutberry, squeezing out the juice into the round bottle.

This got Smidge so angry that the two privately tried to talk each other out of business that neither of them refused to shut down their businesses. This rivalry caused a huge competition between the two. No matter what they tried, they would outdo each other every day. Smidge tricked Guy Diamond via telephone order by telling him that there is a party on the other side of the city and they want to buy his glitterade for it. Immediately, Guy Diamond went away and Smidge had no hurry in making stoutberry juice in the diner, thus earning more customers. Little did they know, someone outside was planning something when she saw Guy Diamond coming right to the Red Tavern. A tall, fair-skinned woman with red and black wavy hair, wearing a silver ribboned corset without a blouse, high heels, and minishorts. She called in a brawny human man into her office.

"Go and attack that homo outside," She ordered. "I want his fucking stoutberry juice for my sales."

She was unaware of a passerby overhearing everything while she was returning to her workplace from lunch break. The figure didn't return to work and instead, ran to the Pop Diner. She arrived with exhaustion, revealing a Chinese-American girl in a magenta blouse, a yellow and orange gradient skirt, and sneakers with light pink hair.

"Smidge! Poppy, guys!" She panted.

"Moxie, are you supposed to be at work? Rose is already at work" Poppy asked her.

"Well, I'm here usually for lunch but I came here because I sensed that Guy is on his way to the other side of town, where the Red Tavern is," Moxie Dewdrop said. "That no-good baddie, Dorda wants to attack him and steal his glitterade."

"OH MY GUH!?" Smidge cried.

"Well, she seduced my ex to get Guy Diamond's glitterade," Moxie added. "The reason I broke up with him it's because he always goes to the Red Tavern."

"You heard it from that bitch, Dorda on your way to work?" Poppy asked her.

"I hate to say this but yeah," She nodded with disappointment. "I bet Dorda wants to sell stoutberry juice with alcohol to her patrons."

"Oh my Guh!" Smidge cried as she ran out of the cafe and rushed to find Guy Diamond. She took a motorcycle and drove through the city and saw Guy Diamond going towards the Red Tavern. She spotted him and flew towards him.

"Well, well, well, the fucking competition," He smirked

"Guy, you gotta get the fuck outta here," Smidge warned him. 

"Ha! You really think I'm that dumb?! Sorry, but I have it on authority of a weird stranger that 500 VIPs out there in the middle of nowhere, and... OMG, that was you. You lied... about VIPs?" Guy gasped. "Is nothing sacred?"

"I wouldn't have lied if you hadn't destroyed my business." She said, trying to talk to him but Guy Diamond rebuffed her.

Suddenly, a brawny man appeared from behind and charged towards them. Smidge grabbed Guy Diamond and got the barrels of Glitterade from the cart to the sidecar that was attached to her motorcycle before the cart was destroyed. They continued to be chased by the attacker but they drove through a group of street performers. Thinking that they were a part of the performance, the crowd cheered at them but the attacker tried to push and shove himself out of the way he was later booed and jeered by the crowd, who threw rotten eggs, fruit, and vegetables at him. Smidge and Guy Diamond arrived at the Pop Diner with barrels of Glitterade. The two smiled at each other as they unloaded the barrels and brought them into the storage.

"What do you know, we actually make a really good team," Smidge complimented him.

"No doubt, maybe from now on, we should be making juice together," Guy added. "That's a great idea, bet that bitch Dorda is gonna be so jealous."

"Yeah, this competition is so silly." Smidge agreed.

As the three walk away, the police officers arrive at the place where Guy's destroyed cart is located and arrest the brawny attacker while the two go back to Pop Diner to sell stoutberry juice to the hungry customers.

This chapter is based on the Trolls The Beat Goes On episode, Unhealthy Competition.

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