Crushing It

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Smidge was leading the rest of the Snack Pack in a wing workout as the sun shone brightly in Harmonia Park. Everybody but Smidge, was a bit worn out but Rose felt like she was losing more pounds from her body in every second.

"Smidge is so fucking intense," Branch panted while trying to catch up with her.

"And this isn't fucking recovery day." Poppy panted more.

"Hey!" Smidge yelled. "Cut the gum and burn the flab, you bastards. Don't get distracted from giving your arm workout a smackdown."

As they continued jogging, Smidge noticed a cute young man with blonde hair, fair skin, and green eyes. He is wearing a yellow t-shirt with a blue hooded jacket, khaki pants and brown shoes. She felt googly eyed when she saw him kiss a bird and flap his wings gracefully until she snapped out of it when Poppy called her.

"Smidge!" Poppy shouted.

"Where....where am I?" She asked.

"At boot camp, remember?" Rose said, wiping sweat from her forehead.

"You blanked out for fifteen minutes," Branch added.

"Again!" Smidge fumed. "Argh!! It's because of that shit, he's always fucking messing with me!"

"Milton Moss, the veterinarian at Tender Paws Veterinary?" Poppy asked. "But he's the best and gentlest sprite in their facility."

"I'm telling you, he's messing with me," Smidge denied it. "He makes my palms sweat, then, my heart skips a beat, then the earth moves slowly."

"Uh, Smidge," Branch said. "That doesn't happen because he's messing with you."

"Yeah, it happens because you have a crush on him," Poppy added,

"I can hear wedding bells in a minute!" Rose squealed.

"OH!!!! That makes way more sense and it explains my uncontrollable urge to hold his hand," Smidge shuddered. "Well, there's one thing I will do, storm over there and tell him how I feel and grab that guy."

She starts running towards Milton but Branch, Poppy. Guy Diamond and Rose were able to subdue her.

"Smidge, calm down, easy," Poppy panted. "If you come out strong like that, you'll scare someone like Milton off."

"Yeah, you can't be so intense," Guy Diamond added.

"Do you think someone like Milton would want a girl like me?" Smidge asked.

"No, no, no, he's gonna think you're amazing," Poppy said. "We can help you smooth out some rough edges."

The Snack Pack tried to teach Smidge how to be a proper lady while Rose listed down each of the lessons, from introductions, balancing books on the head, petting pretty animals, small talks, tea parties in the cafe and the pinky gesture when holding a cup. Each of the lessons got out of hand with Smidge's intense manners, like balancing more than one book with heavy things on her head, wrestling arms, scaring the birds, sweaty underarms, and burping.

"Well, let's call it for the day," Poppy said. "Everybody, we'll meet back in Rose's mansion tomorrow morning and we'll help Smidge talk to Milton."

"What!? No guys, I still need work," Smidge cried.

"Don't worry Smidge, it will go great," She assured her. "All you need is to ease up a bit."

"Yeah, besides, we taught you everything we can." Branch said.

"For a sprite like you but me, I'm not sure," Smidge said. "You all stop yourselves from doing embarrassing things."

"Sometimes, there are embarrassments on a first date," Rose said.

"Do you have any problems with your dates?" She asked her.

"Yeah, like when my last date fell into the unicorn corral when we went dating in the ranch," Rose sighed. "But you're going to be fine."

"How can I be sure?" Smidge asked her.

"You just need

The next day, Smidge was sitting with the rest of the Snack Pack in the gardens of Rose's mansion.

"Okay, this is your practice run." Poppy said.

"Hello, Milton Moss, please to meet you." Smidge practiced her lines. "I'm Smidge."

"It's not an interview." Branch nodded in disappointment.

"Okay, we'll try different intros, you wanna try?" Rose asked her.

"Got it," she agreed.

Rose attempted to show her written introductions to get Smidge to try and introduce herself to Milton Moss but most of them failed.

"Okay, how about we add a flair?" Poppy suggested.

"Oh yeah," Rose agreed.

"We can try these accessories to see which fits Smidge," she said.

Using different accessories, Poppy tried different flairs for Smidge, from sassy, charming, feisty, and mysterious, until Smidge had enough and gave up.

"Guys, this isn't working." Smidge sighed.

"This isn't working because it isn't you." Rose said. "You should be yourself."

"You mean I should be just me," she asked her,

"You're right," Poppy sighed. "I'll try."

When Milton Moss passed by her, Smidge started talking to him. The other members of the Snack Pack watch them as the two have their first date in the diner. Suddenly, one customer tripped, and the food was about to fall on Milton Moss but Smidge came to the rescue and saved him by catching the food in time. Milton was blushing hard when he saw Smidge, in her true self.

"That was amazing, Smidge." Poppy said from the bush.

"Milton, I realize that you might not wanna be with a girl like me." Smidge said. "But that's okay, Smidge is gonna be Smidge."

She gave him a fist bump, which got him tripping backwards. He was so mesmerized by Smidge's rough edges that the sight of her made him blush harder but Smidge helped him get up. The two got to know each other as they, along with Poppy and Branch continued, now knowing that Milton Moss loves Smidge for being herself. After their date, they walked to Smidge's house.

"Smidge, I am shy about this so do you want know, do you want to go down to clown with me?" Milton asked her.

"You mean do the......." Smidge stammered.

"Yeah, and I wanna confess to you that I transitioned from a woman to a man," he said.

"I did the same thing, only I became a woman," she said.

"Are you gonna go on top of me?" He asked her, blushingly.

"You want me to dominate you?" Smidge smirked. "I got some kinks you want to try.

The two went inside her home and ran to the bedroom, where they stripped off their clothes and jumped into the bed naked. Milton blushed when he saw Smidge with her muscular body and her muscles but normal sized dick hanging loose. Milton, on the other hand, is sinewy and gentle but has female genitals.

"What position do you want to do?" Milton asked her.

"I'll sit up and give you a ride down to pleasure town," she said with a smirk.

"Show me how you do it," he pleaded.

"We'll, obviously," Smidge answered as she started sitting

Smidge starts sitting upright while Milton lies down on his back, facing her. She grabs Milton's legs to let her dick slip into the vagina. The two started having sex in the room that Poppy and Branch can hear their moans from the door so they left them alone and went back to their homes so that the two can have their first time together without being interrupted.

It's based on the Trolls: The Beat Goes On episode of the same name.

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