Friend Matching

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Harper was walking in the windy fields, waiting for a friend. She noticed Dr. Moonbloom was nearby and talked to her.

"Hehe, I am supposed to meet a friend here for checkers," Harper said. "But it looks like she's not gonna make it."

"Yes, my friend also not arrived for checkers too and I've been looking forward to play all week," Dr. Moonbloom agreed.

"Me too," Harper sighed.

"Oh well," She replied.

As the two think, they later realize that they are the friends that they have been waiting for.

"Wait..." Harper gasped.

"Would you want to?" They both ask each other. "Yes!!!"

"And that's a wrap, we got a perfect friend match!" The host said as he appeared behind the two ladies who were playing checkers. He is a tall man in a suit and tie. "I, Jackson Wilde have made a successful friend match for the day. Go and fill out your surveys and submit them to me if you want a matching friend. See ya tomorrow and you'll find out who is the next to get a match!!"

It was revealed to be a TV show that Poppy was watching while hanging out at the college grounds with Smidge.

"Poppy, what are you watching?" Smidge asked.

"Hey Smidge, I am just watching Jack Wilde's show, Friend Matching and he just friend-matched Harper and Dr. Moonbloom," Poppy answered.

"Oh!!!!" Smidge replied. "I don't get it."

"And now, he will announce who is the next person he'll friend match," Poppy squealed. "Right after the break."

After many hours of classes, the show was back. Poppy and Smidge looked at the TV, excited to see who was next to be featured.

"And now, we found a new match!!" The host announced. "Our match is.......Dananjay Maheswaran and Sky Toronto!"

"Whoa!!!!" Poppy squealed. "Guy Diamond and Sky Toronto are the most friendatible match he has ever seen!!!"

"If I bring these two together, it will be a whole new level of connection." He continued on television. "Do you think these two will be a matching pair of friends? Stay tuned!"

The next day, Sky Toronto was busy working in the factory as his assistant listed down the things they needed. Then, his cellphone rang.

"I'll get it," He sighed as he went back to his office. He turned on his cellphone and got the call.

"Who is it, may I help you?" Sky asked.

"Hello, Guy Diamond is in the market for some rare party supplies and he needs your help," An unknown caller said.

"I'll get to it," He said as he flew outside the factory and got in his car. He drove to Harmonia College, where he met Guy Diamond.

"Okay Dananjay, may I help you?" Sky asked him.

"As you can see, I have quite an extensive collection," Guy said as he showed him his collection. "But it's not yet complete."

"I thought I was the only collector in town," Sky said, smiling.

"As did I." Guy nodded.

They almost had a connection but he showed him his assistant, who is a young man in a purple suit.

"I'll let my assistant handle it," Sky said. "The sky's rule interaction is over."

"Right this way," He said as he led him somewhere while Sky went back to work.

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