Adventures in Dinkles-Sitting

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It was nighttime in Harmonia Falls as everybody, including Poppy, Branch, Smidge, and Biggie was dancing in a festival.

"Wow, cool party," She said as she joined in the fun

"Oh yeah, the Bright Lights festival is here!" Poppy announced.

The others ran behind Poppy and joined in the fun.

"Oh yeah," Rose asked.

Immediately, she joined in the bright lights party but she wore a pair of shades to cover her eyes.

"Hahaha, bright lights! Bright lights!" Smidge cheered as she ran around like a cheetah but she bumped into a tree, much to the pain of the others. Nonetheless, she got back up. "No regrets!"

"Look Mr. Dinkles," Biggie said to his dog. "Let's get closer to these lights."

"Biggie, be careful with that," Branch warned.

But Biggie slipped and the lights glared directly at his eyes, as a huge gasp from the crowd was heard. An ambulance came to the park and took Biggie to the hospital, where he was treated by Dr. Moonbloom. An older, tan-skinned woman with blue hair and wearing a lab coat treated Biggie and put him in a blindfold.

"Well, he's blind," She said to them when she came outside the hospital room.

This shocked everybody and Smidge fainted.

"Oh shit!" Rose exclaimed.

"For a few days," She added. "Also, he needs someone to watch over Mr. Dinkles while his brother is here to take care of him."

A tall, muscular man in stylish clothes arrived. He has purple hair and a beanie on his head.

"How's my brother?" He asked them.

"He's blind for a few days because he clapped louder during the clapper bug festival," Rose answered.

"Oh my, he's so reckless like the time he ran too fast in the park," He added. "I'll take care of him while any of you should take care of Mr. Dinkles."

Poppy squealed with excitement, feeling like she would be picked to look after him but Biggie decided to have Branch look after Mr. Dinkles instead while he had his brother taking care of him.

"Wow, Biggie, I can't believe no other sprite would trust me like this before," Branch said. "Of course, I promise."

"Have you taken care of a dog, before?" Poppy asked.

It came to a flashback of Branch feeding his pet parrot, Gary, who squawked happily as Branch fed him. The flashback ended when Poppy snapped him out of it.

"Your parrot? Branch, you're a weirdo." Poppy groaned.

"Poppy, don't take Biggie's decision personally," Branch smirked. "He thinks I'm fucking better than you."

Despite that Poppy tries to ask him to help babysit Mr. Dinkles, Branch refuses to have extra help but Gary starts repeating words at Mr. Dinkles, and immediately, the two become friends. Branch and Poppy started feeding and playing with the dog but during the playtime, Mr, Dinkles went loose all over the apartment.

"Oh no, Mr. Dinkles was gone!" Branch panicked.

"We must find him!" Poppy cried. "He is Biggie's comfort dog."

"Why?" He asked.

"When we're in grade school, his brother told me that Biggie has social anxiety and he takes the dog every day to comfort him because he reminds him of his parents," She informed him.

"Oh, what happened to them?" He asked her.

"His parents gave him Mr. Dinkles when he was a puppy," She explained. "But his parents died in a car crash and Biggie and his brother came here from U.K. to live with their grandparents. Mr. Dinkles became a part of him because he reminded him of his late parents."

"Oh, so that's why," He sighed.

"Yeah, he cannot socialize without Mr. Dinkles with him," She said.

"We cannot tell him that we lost Mr. Dinkles," He added.

"Got it!" She agreed.

The two started running around the Casa Rivera, going from one room to another to find Mr. Dinkles. They flew around the floor until they bumped into Rose, who was getting the mail.

"Hey Rosie!" Poppy said when they saw her.

"Oh, hi, I heard Mr. Dinkles is entrusted to you, Branch," Rose said.

"Yeah, about that," Branch stammered.

"We'll see ya later," Poppy bade farewell as they zipped away past her.

They continued searching through the casa while Rose went back to the mansion with the mail. The two went from room to room until they spotted the Pomeranian in the swimming pool. Branch leaped into the pool and grabbed Mr. Dinkles just before the pool was drained of its water. They return to the casa after the incident but Branch is drenched in pool water and needs to take a bath. Poppy went back to her apartment for another day while the two took a bath and went on with their daily lives. On the next day, Branch woke up to see Mr. Dinkles missing again.

"Oh, fuck!" He cried as he jumped out of his bed and went around the casa to look for the dog but he realized that Mr. Dinkles ended up sleeping beside Gary.

"Phew, I thought he ran away again," He sighed.

In a minute, he gave the dog and the parrot their food, and the two chowed down while Branch took a bath and changed his clothes. After getting himself ready, he went to work but not before he gave the dog a walk. It was a slow start but the dog started to run around with Branch flying and getting dragged. It was exhausting and maniacally pandemonium for Branch when he walked the dog around the city. When he gets to the Pop Diner, he is panting and covered in sweat before Poppy, a still-blindfolded Biggie, and his brother.

"How was your day with Mr. Dinkles?" Poppy asked him.

"Not good, it's so exhausting,." He panted as he handed Mr. Dinkles to Biggie.

"Oh, there you are," Biggie cried. "I knew I could trust Branch to look after you."

Despite the praise, Branch feels ashamed about what happened when babysitting Mr. Dinkles and decides to apologize.

"Look, Biggie, I know you trusted me but I gotta be honest," He confessed. "I spent a whole day looking for Mr. Dinkles and lied about it."

"You lost Mr. Dinkles?" Biggie asked.

"Yeah, I'm sorry," Branch apologized.

"That's alright Branch, I lose him all the time," Biggie said with a smile, reminiscing about his childhood.

"You do?" Branch and Poppy asked.

"Yeah, he's a slippery one," Biggie responded.

"Yeah, he loved playing hide and seek when we were kids." His brother added.

"But now you have to look out for that when you look after him for the next couple of days while I'm still healing," Biggie smiled.

"Biggie, it would be my honor," Branch said. "But I know someone else who would love to babysit Mr. Dinkles."

"You're right Branch," Biggie agreed. "And I know she would love to."

Poppy expected it to be her but instead, Biggie called for Smidge, who happily entered into the scene and grabbed Mr. Dinkles with her. Smidge cradled the Pomeranian with her happily as she agreed to babysit him while Biggie recovers.

This is based on the Trolls The Beat Goes On episode of the same name.

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