One Good Scare

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A storm brewed in Harmonia Falls, California as the Snack Pack and their friends were having a slumber party in Rose's mansion and to make it worse, their electricity went out. Rose brewed hot chocolate, poured them into mugs, placed marshmallows, and served them to her friends.

"Feeling comfy?" She asked as she served them hot chocolate.

"Thanks," Poppy responded.

"I'll light up the place," Branch sighed as he took out some saucers, placed candles on it and lit them up with a match.

"I wonder how we could survive this storm?" Guy shivered.

"Usually, when we sit around the fire, we can do something fun without electricity, like scrapbooking," Poppy suggested.

"We don't have light here," Rose warned her.

"Oh." Poppy sighed.

"I know, we could do something else like telling scary stories," DJ Suki interrupted.

The others agreed, so did Branch, who placed his hands into the pockets of his vest, touching something he stored in them.

"Who wants to go first?" Rose asked her friends.

"I do," DJ Suki suggested. "I got a good one and my grandpa, who is Japanese on my dad's side, told me a story of the futakuchi-onna."

"We know so much about that yokai but the one your ojichan told you is the most famous," Satin said,

"We wanna hear about it, can you tell the story, please?" Biggie asked her.

"Okay guys," DJ Suki answered before starting the story, with Creek playing as the miser and Satin as the monster.

In a small village there lived a stingy miser who, because he could not bear the expense of paying for food for a wife, lived entirely by himself.

"None of these women are the right ladies to be my wife, so there are so many expenses to feed her," he sighed.

One day he met a woman who did not eat anything, whom he immediately took for his wife. Because she never ate a thing, and was still a hard worker, the old miser was extraordinarily thrilled with her, but on the other hand he began to wonder why his stores of rice were steadily decreasing.

"Honey? Where are my stores of rice?" he asked her.

But no answers were heard from her so one day the man pretended to leave for work, but instead stayed behind to spy on his new wife. To his horror, he saw his wife's hair part on the back of her head, her skull split wide revealing a gaping mouth. She unbound her hair, which reached out like tentacles to grasp the rice and shovel it into the hungry mouth.

"Oh no, what kind of monster is this?!" he cried in fear,

"So he ran out of his home and never came back because he realized that he was cursed to marry a futackuchi-onna for his stinginess," DJ Suki ended the story.

"Wow, that is a real cautionary tale for stingy men who want to marry the right women but they get what they deserve," Rose said.

"Okay, let's see who's gonna scream when they hear my fucking story," Guy smirked as his story had Archer Pastry and Meadow Spriggs portrayiny as the main characters in the story with Guy Diamond as the house owner.

A couple was sleeping at the terrace of the house as it was a hot summer night and there was some electricity problem at the house. They got this house on rent for some time and one floor of that place was locked.

The man's wife was a cleanliness freak. That night she woke up with the noise of falling water. She thought that her grandpa was doing it while he was sleeping right beside her and she didn't notice.

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