The Interns

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Satin and Chenille are working on their latest designs when their favorite TV show is on air. It's entitled Weekly Trend, hosted by Nova Swift, their idol.

"Put your hands together USA, it's time for another weekly trend watch with the ultimate fashion critic and editor-in-chief of Sizzle! Magazine, Nova Swift!" The announcer yelled.

The twins watched with anticipation as Nova Swift was ready to appear. A puff of smoke appeared but she wasn't there. This shocked the viewers, including Satin and Chenille.

"Sorry, nuggets!" A voice boomed. "But entering in a puff of smoke is out! Entering in high heels is in!"

Nova Swift appeared before the viewers in a giant lotus flower.

"Sequins are out!" She said as she removed her sequined coat, which she wore over another coat. "Mega sequins are in!"

Everybody marveled at the sight of the mega sequins in her coat as they wore sunglasses to protect their eyes and clapped.

"And last but not least, diamonds are out, crystals are in!" She said. "Dance party!"

As everybody in the studio started dancing, Satin and Chenille squealed in their house that almost all of their neighbors could hear them.

"Ooooh, I love Nova Swift," Satin sighed. "She's my idol."

"No, she's my idol!" Chenille huffed.

Suddenly, a knock on the door is heard. Satin went to the door and open it, revealing Poppy.

"Girls, girls," She said. "I can't believe what I just heard, Nova Swift wants to hire a new intern in her magazine and I recommended you two."

"An internship in Sizzle! Ahhh!!!!" The twins squealed in delight.

"She said she's gonna come over in the Pop Diner next week, and talk to you about it," Poppy said. "So make a good impression."

"WTF, Dilemma," They sighed in fear.

"Poppy, we have a fucking genetic disadvantage when it comes to a good impression," Chenille complained. "It's called Satin."

"Oh shit!" Satin glared at her sister.

"Relax, all she wants is to ask questions and some requirements needed, just answer her honestly," Poppy advised them.

"I wouldn't fucking do that if I were you," Guy Diamond said as he flew by. "That was the mistake Leah Laroux made."

"Leah Laroux?" Satin shivered.

"Her last intern," Guy answered. "She gave Nova an honest opinion about her latest hairstyle and after that, Nova decided that it was time for her internship to end."

"Ugh! Goosebumps!" Chenille shivered with her sister.

"Disappoint Nova Swift?!" Satin cried.

"If fate fucking worse than this?!" Chenille wailed.

"Guy, that's just a rumor," Poppy dismissed it.

"Whatever, the point is, be careful how honest you are with Nova Swift," Guy warned them.

On the next day, the twins got an e-mail from Sizzle! Magazine and they opened it, revealing the requirements for the internship: papers that they need to answer and sign. The sisters immediately went to their laptops to prepare the papers that they had to sign. They were so confused about the questions in their survey that they had a dilemma on their hands. Poppy advised them to be honest while Guy warned them not to be too honest. Every day, the twins answer the survey and at the same time, take down the answers and rewrite new ones. The dilemma was so stressful for the girls and what's worse is that the day of the deadline is almost there.

"Satin, we'll fucking never complete this survey," Chenille cried.

"It isn't so easy, it's shit," Satin added.

"Yeah, we have to be honest but it's so hard," Chenille added.

"But what about Leah Laroux?" Satin asked her

"We should go to Poppy and ask her for help," Chenille told her sister.

"She could help us, yes," She agreed as they packed in their laptops and took a bus out of the house to go to the Pop Diner.

When arriving at the diner, Poppy was serving some customers when she noticed Satin and Chenille. They are anxious about the surveys they were given by the magazine.

"What happened?" Poppy asked them.

"We answered our surveys but we also erased them at the same time because we are still in a dilemma about answering them honestly or not," Satin cried.

"Well, you can answer her honestly," She said.

"But what about Leah Laroux?" Chenille asked.

"Nobody knows what happened to them but I kinda invite someone here to talk to you," Poppy grinned as their parents arrived.

"Otosan?" Satin gasped.

"We're so proud of you two," The older woman said.

"You're going to become interns for the number one magazine," The older man added.

"Okasan, how did you know we're coming?" Chenille gasped

"We go here every day as regulars, Setsuko," Their mother answered.

"I see you're not in a good mood," Mr. Nakamura said. "What's wrong, On'nanoko?"

"We have a dilemma about what Poppy said to us," Satin answered.

"What did Poppy tell you?" Mrs. Nakamura asked them.

"We have to be honest but Guy told us not to be honest," Satin answered.

"We are afraid of what might happen to us if we get too honest with Nova Swift," Chenille cried.

"Isn't it too much if you lie?" Mrs. Nakamura said. "There's a saying, The first step towards greatness is to be honest."

"Really?" Chenille asked.

"Yes, honey," She answered. "But not every honest word is always pleasant to hear, there's a Japanese proverb that says, "Truthful words are seldom pleasant."

"Oh, ok," Chenille agreed.

"Nova will understand you when you are honest with her," Mr. Nakamura said.

"Just be honest," Their mother said. "Like how we taught you."

"We will," The twins agreed

Immediately, they took out their laptops and answered the survey properly. Then, they printed their surveys, placed them in envelopes, and prepared them with their IDs. The day of the deadline came just in time, as Nova Swift reviewed their surveys in her office. Satin and Chenille were anxiously waiting until they were called in. Nova Swift called them to her office to talk to them.

"I want to say something to you too," she said.

"Okay!?" The twins asked anxiously.

"You two passed the final intern test," Nova announced. "You can't imagine how hard it is to be me, surrounded by yuppies. What I need is honesty and you two gave it."

"But what about Leah Laroux? She gave her honest opinion and you ended her internship," Satin asked.

"Yes, I did, in order to promote her to my assistant and secretary," She answered as a purple-haired, curvy African-American young woman in a violet dress, matching earrings, a spring green belt, cyan heels, and purple eyeshadow entered.

"Nova, you have a dinner at five." She said.

"Thank you, and by the way, entering in a high heels is so this morning," Nova added as Leah Laroux walked back to her desk. "See, how can you not adore her, so I'll see you tomorrow morning and don't forget to bring me my Fluffleberry latte from Pop Diner when you guys return from your tour."

The twins are happy to be accepted as interns for the number one fashion magazine because they prove themselves to be honest. It's so silly if they lie about something they cannot do but when they are honest about themselves, other people can understand them and help them to be better fashion designers and fashionistas.

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