International Party Crash Course

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That night, DJ Suki was talking to some friends via messenger about the city's upcoming International Cultural Festival. She mixed some traditional Filipino music but she got a video call from her laptop. It's from her parents. She replies to it and a screen opens, showing her parents, an African-American woman, and a Filipino man smiling at her.

"Hi, mama and papa." She sighed.

"Diana Jane Suki Reyes, we've got good news!" Her father said. "The leaders of our diaspora here in Harmonia Falls chose you going to represent us, Filipinos for the cultural festival!"

"What!" She was shocked.

"We're so proud of you," Her mother added.

"We can't wait to see what you'll do for our part in the festival," Her father added.

After they turned off the call, DJ Suki sighed and felt so depressed that she thought of taking a flight outside. As she got out of her flat, Poppy saw her outside her flat with her head down.

"DJ Suki, your people chose you to host the Filipino section of the festival," Poppy squealed.

"Yeah, right," She said blandly.

"But you don't seem to be happy about it," Poppy said. "What's wrong?"

"Sorry, I just can't fucking host that part of the festival," She sighed. "Or any kind of party, ever."

"What you're saying is that you never hosted a fucking party before?" Poppy asked her.

"I did once, it was supposed to be a fun party but it turned out to be a shitty nightmare!" DJ cried.

She narrated how she tried to host the party but she couldn't keep track of all the details on her own. She tried to operate a bubble machine but it got everybody soaked instead that they had to go home all sopping wet. DJ Suki was traumatized by it.

"At least nobody who got wet got hurt." Poppy smiled.

"Tell that to my older brother, Toby," DJ said.

"Who, your brother, Toby? He's alright now," Poppy said.

"Still, parties and festivals are so fucking overwhelming," She said.

"But you DJ," Poppy said.

"That's different," She responded. "When I DJ, I feel the flow."

"But DJ, party hosting is the same way," Poppy told her. "Once you learn it, you feel the flow. And I have the perfect thing to help you, you can ask other Filipinos you know."

"Sure, but the only ones I know were Rose, my parents, Cherry, Luis, Stella, Paulette....." DJ stammered.

"You could ask Rose, she is Filipino," Poppy suggested.

"Rose, yeah," She nodded.

The next day, at the Pop Diner, DJ Suki was reading everything about the Philippines from the book that her parents sent her. Poppy noticed this and asked Rose to help her out. She went up to DJ and asked her.

"I learned everything about the country but I dunno what should I put for decorations," she said.

"You can ask me," Rose said as she came up to her. "My late grandpa has both African-American and Filipino descent but I learned about it from my aunts and some uncles from the country."

"Okay, can you tell me some stuff you know about the country itself?" DJ asked her.

"Sure," Rose agreed. "Any Filipino fiesta is incomplete without the banderitas. They're small, triangular pennants that were hung on the ceilings but I heard the cultural festival will be in Castle Park so the booths will have the banderitas hanging above the booth windows instead."

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