The Marshtato Fairy

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Rose, who is wearing a pair of flower stud earrings, her new sweater and jeans with brown boots, was walking all over the city, noticing the citizens painting rocks, decorating weird, marshmallow decorations, and she was wondering why everything is so sweet, as autumn is coming all over the place. She flew to Sweet Pop and noticed that everything is whimsical.

"Wow, something is different today," Rose said. "Did everyone get a haircut?"

"Oh yeah, you're here," Poppy said. She is reading a book to CJ Suki, Keith, and Priscilla.

"Welcome to our next marshtato day here in Harmonia City," Biggie announced.

"Wow, I can't believe this will be my first time tasting marshtatos!" Rose squealed. "And does it come every autumn?"

"Marshtato festival comes every start of autumn and this is our first day here in Harmonia College," CJ Suki said. "Come and join us."

She brought Rose to the group to listen to Poppy's story.

"There is one thing I know is true, that most of us have a sweet tooth," Poppy read. "But the tasty treat we hold on most dear, the marshtato, comes once a year. On the foggiest night, where there is no moon, a visitor flies through the gloom. A gossamer winged, light and airy, planting her sweets, it's the marshtato fairy. She only visits fairies with marshtato day spirit, so lift up your voices so the fairy can hear it."

The kids cheered, while Rose was astonished.

"Poppy, do you worry that the marshtato fairy won't see our marshtato day spirit because she lives all the way up on top of hill mountain," Keith asked.

"Nope," Poppy nodded.

"Yeah, neither do I." He sighed.

"Good, and do you know why we shouldn't worry?" Poppy asked.

"Because the rocks told her," CJ Suki answered. "They're the marshtato fairy's friends."

"So we paint these rocks to remind us that they're watching." Priscilla added.

"That's right, every marshtato's eve, on the foggiest night, we make sure that the rocks are participatingm" Poppy agreed. "In all the fun marshtato day activities like decorating, burping the alphabet, and the fairy's favorite activity of all, the marshtato' eve group hug!"

They all cheered while Rose was amazed. Now she knows how important it is for the sprites.

"Wow, this festival is a huge thing," Rose said.

"You're in luck because today, well do the marshtato's eve group hug!" Poppy shouted.

Suddenly, everybody came in for the group hug and they were about to do the hug but Poppy noticed that Branch was walking by with the gardening tools.

"Branch, what are you doing? you're supposed to join the marshtato's eve group hug," Poppy said.

"I'm heading to the marshtato patch, figured I'll fucking stake my picking area before everyone else does," Branch smirked.

"Branch, cmon, if the marshtato fairy doesn't think you have enough spirit, she might not come," Poppy cried.

"Oh, don't worry about that," Branch said sarcastically. "I'm confident she won't find out because she's just a college mascot."

Everybody was shocked, including Rose, who was celebrating the day for the first time.

"Oh please, marshtatos are plants, people," Branch added. "On the foggiest night, they grow out of the plant naturally, the rest of these holiday is just a greasy superstition."

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