Archer Pastry the Roadie

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Archer Pastry knocked on the door of Casa Rivera and one of Branch's uncles opened the door.

"Is Bernardo Rivera here?" Archer asked him.

"He's in the Madrigal Mansion, recording," he answered. "It's the white one next door."

"Thank you sir," Archer said before leaving for Rose's home.

He rang the doorbell and Rose answered the door.

"Archer, you're here," Rose said.

"The reform school assigned me to do roadie work for the Snack Pack?" He asked.

"You're in the right place, come in," Rose said as she led him inside.

Upon entering the mansion, they came to the record room where the Snack Pack were recording a song.

"Rose and Archer are here," Poppy said enthusiastically.

"He told me that the reform school is assigning him to be our roadie?" Rose asked.

"Yeah, because you defended me and helped me prove my innocence so they assigned me to be a roadie as a parole," he said.

"Okay, you can learn from DJ Suki about working with the technical stuff while doing stuff for us with Fuzzbert," Poppy said.

"So that means I'll be going to the tour with you guys?" He asked her.

"Yeah," Branch said.

"That's good, we're gonna be practicing technical work first," DJ Suki said as she let Archer Pastry to the table in the corner. She took out her iPad and gave him a video game based on arranging technical equipment. While the band recorded their songs, Archer tried hard to figure out how to connect the wires based on the colors of their plugs. He tried to attach the blue jack with the red one but he failed to see it. Archer tried again but he failed again. He almost seemed to give up.

"I can't do it, I just can't do it," he cried in despair.

"It's alright, you just need to keep practicing," DJ Suki said when she checked on him.

"How do you know all about these stuff anyway?" Archer asked her.

"If you wanna do your job as a roadie properly, you need to have a good understanding of how audio, lighting, and video equipment works," she said,

"I know, but I don't know anything about these," he said.

"You should also be familiar with different types of instruments and how to set them up," she told him. "When I wanted to become a DJ, I didn't go to it right away. My aunt Gertrude told me that I need to learn technical skills so that I can set up my DJ booth."

"So you know about how audio, lighting, and video equipment works?" He asked her.

"Yeah, you just need to match the colors and learn them properly, it's simple," she said. "I'll be recording Guy's solo next, just keep practicing."

While DJ Suki was helping out with the recording, Archer tried it again but this time, he kept on going. He continued playing the game until he got the perfect score.

"I did it!" He gasped.

"Good job!" Poppy praised him. "You've finally mastered some technical skills."

"Poppy, we got a situation with my bass guitar's jack, it's misplaced," Branch said.

"Branch, did you ask Guy Diamond to help you with it?" Poppy asked him.

"I asked Guy Diamond to help me with it but he misplaced the jacks," he answered.

"Now that you understand technical skills, now you can put it to the test." DJ Suki told Archer.

"Really? But what if I make a mistake?" He asked her.

"We all make mistakes, you just need to keep on trying like how you play that game," she said.

"Okay, I'll try," he said as he took a deep breath and took his skills to the test.

For a few minutes, Archer Pastry rearranged the jacks of the plugs in Branch's bass guitar and placed them in the right plugs of the amplifier. Branch tested his guitar and it sounded perfectly as it was before.

"Whoa! Archer, you finally got it," DJ Suki said. "I knew you had the skills that will make you a roadie."

"Really?" He asked her.

"Yeah, you're now ready to come with us to our American tour," Rose said.

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