The Fairy Ball

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Harmonia College is holding a formal soirée that is known as fall formal. The theme is called the fairy ball. If anyone wants to be classy, they have to get their hair done in Maddy's hair salon, the Aurora Salon.

We're looking good,
Cause I'll be stepping out
I got to feel my finest
You know what I'm talking 'bout
Cause' when you're feeling fine
You can do anything
That's when you dance your best
And sing like a queen

There's nothing better than
Your natural beauty
But baby, when you dress it up
You know we gettin'

Done, done baby
Done, done, the way
We want!!
And when we havin'
Fun, fun baby'
Fun, fun, the way we love
So let's get it done!!

Poppy went through the hair salon, only to notice Rose having her hair styled for the fairy ball.

"Hey Rose, first time going to the fairy ball?" Poppy asked her.

"Yeah, and my date is coming too, he is very dreamy and attractive," Rose squealed.

"Ooh, I bet he already asked you out for the fairy ball," She teased her friend.

"He did, he asked me on my phone and I fucking said yes!!!" Rose said dreamily.

"Poppy, you'll never believe it!" Smidge squealed as she ran into the Aurora Salon excitedly. "I was walking on my way here but suddenly, I ran into.............. Milton Moss. We were staring at each other for two hours."

"Ooooooooo!!!!!" Rose teased. "I'm not the only one around here to get that feeling for this day."

"He asked me to go to the fairy ball and I said yes!!!" She continued.

"Okay, first of all...." Poppy paused as she, Biggie, Satin and Chenille, Smidge, and Rose squealed while Fuzzbert reacted with a smile and signed with his hands until they all stopped. "But second, did you say that you'll go with Guy Diamond?"

"Oh my guh! I did, I've been looking forward to it but I got caught up in the moment!! Oh my guh! Oh my guh!! Oh my guh!!!" Smidge panicked as she twitched upon her reaction.

"Calm down, Smidge," Poppy said as she calmed her down. "There's a clear plan of action here. Talk to Guy, I'm sure he'll understand."

"Yeah, he could take Meadow," Rose added. "But she's with Rudy."

"Who will understand?" Guy asked as he entered the salon. "Harder than a glitter option, friends but I came here to give Smidge this."

He opened a box that he brought with him and showed a necklace. He placed it on Smidge's neck.

"For me, but why?" Smidge was confused.

"For going with me to the fairy ball," Guy answered. "After all, you're the strongest girl in the city, just think of the dance moves we can do on the dancefloor. Ha! All eyes will be on us for the entire night and we'll be crowned king and queen of the fairy ball!! So thank you Smidge, it means so much to me, so, what are you gonna say?"

"Um.........." Smidge was confused about what she wants to say but she was torn between her love for Milton Moss and letting Guy down until finally, she spoke up. "I can't wait!"

"Ha, my thoughts exactly," Guy agreed. "See you tonight!!"

With that, he dashed out of the salon and ran off. Smidge thought of a plan.

"Okay, new plan," Smidge said. "I'll go with both Guy and Milton, keeping them apart in opposite places and I'll switch back and forth."

"Wait, what?" The others gasped.

"But...." Rose interrupted but Smidge cut her off.

"Glad that we're on the same page, bye!" Smidge said as she hurriedly ran off, leaving her friends shocked.

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