Everyone Has Changed

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As Spinner was walking through the corridors, he was selling garage by the arm and pulled into a dark room.


"Wh-what was going on!?"

With him saying that out loud, he felt the hand cover his mouth which began to freak him out even more. But soon enough he heard a familiar voice.


"Shut up."

Hearing Shigaraki's voice in a quiet tone, Spinner slowly begin calming himself. Eventually the dark room was soon lit up. Now being able to see, Spinner saw Shigaraki right in front of him. While he looked at him, Shigaraki began removing his hand from over Spinner's mouth. After he did so, Spinner was quick to ask him a question.


"Tomura, why the hell did you pull me into this room?"


"Because you're the only one that hasn't changed."

Hearing that, Spinner looked at Shigaraki with a confused expression on his face.


"Chargab? The hell you talking about?"


"Haven't you noticed? Everyone we knew has completely changed into an entirely new person!"


"If you're talking about the others going through some small changes? Then yeah I've noticed it but to me there's still the same."


"They're not the same, not anymore! And it's all because of that damn clown!"


"You mean Joker? What makes you think he's the one responsible?"


"Because he obviously is! First he changed Toga, then Dabi, Twice, and Compress. Hell he even changed that mustache guy into some sort of Iceman. What I'm getting here is that we're the only ones that haven't been changed by him. So I say we get out of here and ditch everyone."

With Shigaraki saying this, made Spinner quite shocked to know how he was willing to leave everyone.


"What!? We can't leave, let alone ditch everyone. We all have to stick together."


"Look around Spinner! They're not the same anymore. So let's get the hell out of here while we have the chance."

As Shigaraki reached out his hand to place it onto Spinner's shoulder. Spinner was quick to act by smacking his hand away. From this happening, Shigaraki looked at Spinner with a shocked expression.


"Look Tomura, you're acting crazy.".


"Crazy!? This whole place is god damn crazy! And if you don't see it then screw you! I'm getting the hell out of here before that damn clown has any chance of changing me. So farewell damn stupid lizard."

With those words said, Shigaraki went ahead and left the room, leaving Spinner wondering why Shigaraki is acting this way, and if he is serious about leaving. After all that happened, Spinner was now walking through the corridor once again but still had these wondering thoughts flowing through his head. For while walking he passed by Twice's room, which costume to stop and walk back over to his door. Knocking on the door, Spinner heard Twice who was quick to respond.

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