Tuesday 2nd January

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Today I went back to work. Well... I worked from home but I still got up early to try and get back into the swing of things for my return to office later in the week.

When I work from home I obviously, don't have to commute which gives me the freedom to do more... chores usually. But in my commitment to enjoying every day I decided I had to give my commute time over to love. Make it count.

When I closed my laptop and turned off my work phone I looked at my to-do list and decided that take down the christmas decorations could be more than a chore.

I put my favourite playlist on and turned it up.

I spun around and got the stink eye from Duke who was sleeping on the sofa. Well, sleeping on the sofa until I started the disco. He watched me dance towards him for a few seconds before he huffed and tucked his head back down to go back to sleep.

I started taking decorations down from the christmas tree, shaking my hips as I wrapped the bauble in newspaper and placed it in its box.

Once bare, I wrapped the tree in some netting I got from my local DIY shop Coopers, and took it up the stairs to place at the bottom of the loft hatch. My brother has kindly offered to come round Sunday to take it all up for me. I looked around and locked onto the fairy lights I had wrapped around the curtain pole and tangled a few snowflake decorations in.

I dragged a chair into the room and stood on it to reach the curtain pole and was fighting with the tangle of lights and decorations when Chester came along and started licking my ankle. It startled me and the chair wobbled under me and I tipped to the left.

And landed inches shy of Duke sleeping on the sofa. I stayed where I landed for a moment which gave Duke enough time to spin around and start licking my face, which made me laugh and I had to push him away so I could get up. Determined, I climbed back up on the chair, resolved to defeat the lights and perform some of my best karaoke yet for the boys.

When everything was down except the outside lights and piled upstairs the boys and I ventured out on our walk to the dog park. And in celebration of love, my dance party, and my strong desire to just sit down, I shoved a pizza in when we returned, showered, and settled into the sofa to watch Modern Family, my newest obsession.

I'm happy to say Day 2 felt good. 

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