Thursday 1st February

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“Hey. Are you feeling better?” I asked.

“Yeah, thanks. Sorry about yesterday, I think I came back too early, it was a bit overwhelming. I actually don't really remember the last few days. Like I couldn't actually tell you what I did here yesterday.” George said, running his hand over his face.

“It's ok, I understand.” I glanced at my computer as a notification sounded before looking back to George.

“So, where do you want to have dinner tomorrow? You can totally decide, fill me in on your week, and not listen to me making excuses.” he laughed lightly. 

“How about The Boot? I've heard it's lovely and the food is amazing.” I said, slightly distracted with the work I needed to get done. 

“Yes, great. Is 8 ok? I'm helping my mum put up some furniture before hand.” He asked, standing up from his perch on my desk.

“Yeah of course.” George walked away and I turned back to the computer.

I finished work and put Morgan Wallen on for the drive home. I was singing along at some traffic lights when something behind me made me look in the mirror.

I couldn't tell what it was, but I did notice the sky. To my left the sky was dark, but to the right there was a rainbow of colours. The dark blue ran to light. Purple splashed in the blue and turned to pink. And orange glowed in the centre. 

The mesmerised me and I kept looking between the sky and the traffic lights until they turned green. 

As I drove I kept glancing around and in the mirrors until the colours had all faded away. 

I got home and took the boys out. I kept the country music playing and we headed out around the town. It's the only thing I don't love about winter, the boys don't see much daylight when I'm at the office.

We got home and I dished out their dinner before quickly getting changed to head out to boxing.

I arrived about 10 minutes early and as the other girls trickled in we stood at the side, catching up on our weeks and laughing at each other's stories.

Then we are getting into a fighting stance. Our instructor always tries to mix up the lessons so we are doing different combos and different exercises each week.

This week she has us doing sprawls at the end of our combos which was pretty much getting into a push up, lowering right to the ground, pushing up and then jumping to our feet.

When I was holding the pads I looked over and Meg was sprawling. But she was actually sliding down using the gloves and avoiding the push up.

“Hey, that's cheating. Miss! Miss, surely that's cheating.” Vic called, pointing over at Meg. 

Meg was giggling at herself. Jess looked over and started laughing so hard she couldn't carry on boxing and Cara, our boxing instructor, shook her head at everyone smiling.

“I've lost control. I don't know what's happening.” Cara said laughing.

We managed to regain some control and started on the next round. 

“Did you guys want to have a go?” Cara asked. She had brought some boxing balls that are attached to elastic that secure to a headband and you have that on your head and punch them.

Meg and Vic put them on and started punching. Vic picked it up so quickly it was as if she had done it before. Meg was struggling with it a little bit. Then just as it looked like she was getting, the ball bounced off her head. 

We started laughing.

“I think that's it for me. I'll have to try again next week.” Meg said laughing as she took the headband off.

A few others had a go, Emma managed to pick it well and Amanda just seemed to be enjoying the ball swinging around and wasn't really trying to hit it.

I left in a great mood, ready for a quick shower and a little Bailey's in bed with my book.

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