Friday 15th March

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There's a piece of software that I need to use for work that I've been putting off actually logging into and figuring out how to work it.

But today I'd just that! 

I logged on and with all the notes I took from the training video in front of me I cracked on with entering all the data. 

So I left work feeling very happy with myself, a few more things from the continuous to do list ticked off.

I got home and grabbed the boys to take them out to the park. The sun was shining gloriously, gentle warmth skimming my face as I walked along. 

I let the boys off at the park and started to throw the ball for them. I stood with my back to the sun and could feel its gaze spreading across my back. 

As we headed back home I started to debate dinner in my mind and I settled on treating myself to a Chinese. 

I placed my order and suddenly had the urge to sit at the beach and eat. I've done it with friends before and the nice weather swayed the vote. 

I grabbed my big jacket, some cutlery and put it all in my bag with a drink. 

I dropped some treats out for the boys and was off. 

I collected dinner and arrived at the beach to find it still fairly busy. There was a harsh breeze as I stepped out of the car and I paused. It died down and didn't rush back until I was walking onto the stones. 

I laid out my picnic blanket from the car between some old boats that always sit here on the shore. 

I was protected by the breeze just enough and had the thickest coat I own on. I set out my drink and my cutlery and then I opened my food. 

The sea crashed against the shore and I watched as another wave quickly followed suit. 

I tried to concentrate as the light slowly began to fade at the colours in the sky and watched as the pinks and oranges bloomed across the horizon before they slowly deepened and shifted to blues and purples. 

The food was amazing and when I finished I put everything back into my bag and just sat and listened. There were people still walking along, some with dogs, some without and their voices travelled on the breeze.

I heard my phone buzzed and when I pulled it out there was a message from Christian. We had pretty much been messaging non stop to be honest.

He was being just the right amount of flirty and funny and I found myself wanting to tell him everything. 

He asked what I was doing and I sent him a picture I had taken a little earlier if the sky and the sea.

‘Chinese takeaway on the beach.’ 

‘What and idea…’

‘Speaking of dinner, would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow night?’ 

I opened the message and looked at it. I left it a moment to not seem too keen. I don't like the idea of playing games but there has to be some sweating right? 

‘I would love to’. I fired back. 

The cold was starting to seep into me and I decided it was time to head home. The only light that now shone was from the lights in the car park. There was only my car sitting there. 

I warmed my fingers under my thighs before I started driving home. 

I was greeted by the boys and I gave them each a chicken ball from the Chinese I'd saved and then i unwrapped myself and unpacked my bag. 

We headed upstairs and when I went into the bedroom from the bathroom both the dogs were laying on the bed. I crawled over them and squeezed in the middle and I pulled my book over onto my lap and settled in until my eyelids grew too heavy to keep reading.

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