Thursday 25th January

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Today I worked from home which meant I got a little lay in. Although I woke up at the same time and just laid in bed for the extra time I had.

I went downstairs and sat at the table to have breakfast before clearing up and setting up the table to be my office for the day.

I put the TV on in the background and got to work.

I enjoy working from home purely for the fact I don't have to commute and that extra hour a day is mine.

So I finished work early and got the boys ready for a walk. I try to take them on a different route every day but short of getting in the car and driving somewhere for every walk the options are somewhat limited.

But as it was a nice day yesterday I decided that the woods wouldn't be too muddy to walk through. I popped a podcast on and we set off.

The boys were running up ahead and I could see them chasing each other around the trees. Then I saw another dog. It looked like a black lab from where I was but he had just joined the boys and they were running in a line around the trees.

As I got closer I could see it was a lab and I found the owner huffing along the path towards me. I pushed my headphones down around my neck.


“Hey.” they replied. They stood watching the dogs run around. “What are their names?” She asked, gesturing to the boys.

“The dark one is Duke and the black and white one is Chester.” I looked away from the dogs and back to the lady. “And I'm Alice. What about yours?” I point in the direction of the black lab.

“That's Alfie. I'm Millie.” As she said this, Alfie, bundled into her legs and she wobbled. He then turned to me and started sniffing my legs. I reached down and he sniffed my hand and then ran back to the boys.

“No Alfie. Come on, we're going this way.” Millie called.

I called out to get Duke and Chester and they ran in the direction we were originally heading.

“Nice to meet you both.” I called to Millie and Alfie as they went in the other direction.

We got home and I did a few jobs before getting ready to go boxing.

We played games to get warmed up and the first game was cups and saucers. So there were cones on the floor, one team had to get as many as possible the right way up, and the other team the wrong way.

This always results in laughing and giggles and we are all normally out of breath after just from the laughing.
We then played cone frisbee and our team had to catch as many as possible when you frisbee them across the room.

By the end I was dying. But I a good way of that makes sense.

Even when I'm not consciously angry or annoyed, the release you get from punching each other is amazing and I always leave feeling high. The music was louder in the car as I drove home and I was greeted by the boys.

A hot shower and jumping into bed to relax and read is the perfect end to the day.

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