Wednesday 3rd January

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As part of my love journey, I know I need to love myself more. I have very little self love, always have. And in reality I have absolutely no idea how I’m actually going to achieve love for myself but here we are.

I adore the idea of saying words of affirmation to myself in the mirror. But I tried that and couldn’t take myself seriously. I mean come on. Looking myself in the eyes. No.

What I do know to be true is that exercise releases hormones that make you happy. I know that I do tend to feel really good after a workout. Most of the time I hate it, but I put my sports bra on, which is exercise in itself, and do it.
Last year I was trying to get a workout of some kind in, at least 4 times a week but it is the first thing I drop if I get busy. For me it’s the hardest thing to make a consistent habit out of.

Anyway. For you love diary, I am committing to exercise. I’m going to try and just do the workouts I do enjoy and try and commit to 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week.

So today I have chosen a dance workout from youtube. I love to dance and I have done this video a few times before and so I sort of know the moves. The anxiety of trying to do a dance video where you don’t know the moves is extreme, arguably stupidly but it’s there.

So I threw on my sports bra and shorts, turned the video on and danced. And I was smiling at the end. I felt good.

I then jumped in the shower, and added a lavender bath steemer I was gifted at christmas. I’m not sure what it actually adds to the shower other than the smell. Although I suppose lavender is supposed to be good for a lot of things so we will see. But it did smell lovely.
I then made some pasta for dinner and grabbed my book and a blanket to curl up with on the sofa for the evening.

Considering my commitment to exercise this year is 5 days a week I realise I need to also do other love things each day. I can’t have my whole journey of love just being exercise. But today that was it. The first workout of the year brought me just the love I needed.

Day 3? Smashed it.

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