Sunday 21st January

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The weirdest thing happened this morning. I woke up. And felt rested.

I wasn't wanting to roll back over, I wasn't achy from sleeping. I just felt good.

I laid there for a moment and got out of bed without picking up my phone. I went downstairs and grabbed my breakfast and sat at the table by the window. Duke came over after he finished his breakfast and put his head in my lap. Chester went out into the garden. I stroked Duke's head while watching Chester sniff around the garden.

After breakfast I grabbed my book and curled up on the corner of the sofa. I shifted position and reached for my tea. It was cold. I looked at the clock and found I had been reading for two hours straight.

I stood up to make a new tea and almost hit the floor. My legs were so numb it was hard to stand. Then the pins and needles started. I danced my way to the kitchen kicking and shaking my legs to get the blood flowing back to them.

I decided to abandon the pursuit of a warm tea and instead hop into the shower to get ready for my day.

I met mum at 2 for a walk down the beach with the boys.

“How was your date last night mum?” I asked as we walked along.

“It was really nice. He took me to The Shannon. I think I had mentioned that we go there often because it's lovely and he got the hint.” She laughed and grabbed my arm as she wobbled on the uneven surface.

“Ooo it is lovely there. I'm glad you had a good time… I ended up on a date Friday night.” I told mum about how my dinner with George came about and the kiss at the end of the night.

“Is he nice?” Mum asked when I finished this story. I nodded and she smiled as if nothing else needed to be said.

We headed back to her house and we had these fish platter shells for dinner mum had picked up from Waitrose. They included garlic salmon, smoked salmon, prawns and scallops. They were delicious and we had dauphinoise potatoes and green beans as well before having some blondies and ice cream for dessert.

It was a lovely second birthday day!

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