Thursday 15th February

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James and I left the house this morning at the same time. He was heading home to start sorting things for the move. 

We had the team meeting today and David, who seems to be the resident cook, brought in cookies for Valentine's day. 

They were vaguely heart shaped, but so delicious. 

The team meeting consisted of going through the training plans coming up and discussing current work loads and sharing tips, advice and ideas. 

We had lunch all together in the meeting room and caught up before disbanding to work the rest of the afternoon.

I got and made dinner. I have been craving chicken kiev so I popped one in the oven with a potato waffle and sat down to watch TV and scroll for a little bit. 

I ate dinner and then took the boys out for a walk. The wind was blowing viciously and we duck round a set of buildings to tuck out of it. The boys didn't seem bothered by the wind but when it blew strong I was almost over.

We made it home and I tidied up before grabbing my bag and heading out to boxing. 

As tonight is the boxing valentine's day special, when I arrived the girls already there were giggling around a bar (it's in a community centre) and scribbling on some little slips of paper.

We had to write out valentine's words to then fold and put into a tub. The alphabet was written on the board with an exercise associated with it.

We had to pick out a work and spell out the word with the exercises.

As the rest of the girls walked in we were talking about short words and the letter in the words when Tina turned around sharply.

“Wait what?” She looked quickly between me and Georgia.

“What?” I said back to her.

“We're spelling the words out?” 

“Yes?” I questioned.

“I thought it was just the first letter we had to do and the number was for the letters… I thought like if a word started with M we would do squat jumps and it says 10 so if the word was 4 letters I thought we did 40.” Me and Georgia started laughing. “I've done an 11 letter word.” Tina covered her face and then burst out laughing. 

Cara had turned around and also started laughing.

“Should have been listening.” She locked laughing and collecting all the words that had been written out.

The first one me and Jess got was roses. A little word. Brilliant.

Except, we had to do 20 sets of jab cross, 20 push ups, a 1 minute squat hold, then a jumping in our squat and then another 1 minute squat hold. 

We quickly realised how this was going to go.

Every time someone went and grabbed a word we were shouting them out to the group.



“Flowers… aww how cute.” Were all shouted out in the first round.

“Disappointment?” I shouted out as I read the word on our slip.

Cara started laughing hard and Tina shouted. 

“Well some people are disappointments on valentine's.” We looked at the board and assessed our first few exercises.

“Fifty shades of grey.” was shouted out and I laughed and lost count of the squats I was doing.

We got through a good variety of words and before the cool down Cara opened all the little slips and read out the words that didn't get picked.

“Moan, dildo, forget me nots, heart, first dates, mastrubation… rump?” 

“That's our half word we finished on. We got rump done. The steak we ate.” Vic said looking innocent. Cara laughed shaking her head and gathered up the slips.

We stretched which always feels amazing at the end of the session and chatting as we gathered up our gear and walked out to the cars.

I got home and fussed the boys, and hopped into the shower.

I got out and dried my hair before getting into bed and popping the TV on. Chester came and laid on my lap and Duke laid near my feet at the end of the bed.

I felt so content as I laid there watching rubbish TV. The best TV right before bed.

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