Wednesday 13th March

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This morning I woke up and decided to start the day with some yoga. 

I went downstairs and opened the back door for the boys to get into the garden and put breakfast in their bowls before heading back upstairs. 

I laid out my yoga mat and loaded up a video to follow. 

At the end of the practice we were laying down and taking deep breaths and my mind wandered to James. 

I started to run possible text messages through my head and when I sat up I realised another video had started playing. 

I went downstairs and made myself some breakfast and I sat at the dinner table with my phone open on mine and James' text chain. 

It crossed my mind that I should just keep it simple and say hello. Then I dismissed that thinking I needed to say something clever and a little flirty. Then I ditched that idea and went back to simple. 

‘Hey, how are you? Settled in?x’ 

I was hesitant about the kiss but I decided it looked cold without it and I send them to friends too. 

I must have stared at my phone for a solid 2 minutes before I told myself to get up and get ready for work.

I worked from home and put some music on in the background. 

Chester came over and started nudging me with his nose and I instinctively reached down to pat his head.

When the nudging didn't stop I looked down and realised he had brought his tennis ball over for me to throw.  

I kicked it across the room and he dashed after it. He came back. I kicked it again. 

It was only when it got to lunch time that he actually abandoned the ball in the hopes of getting a slice of cheese from me.  

As soon as I finished work I headed out with the boys because the sun was shining. I took them to the park and we ran into Millie and Alfie again. 

All three dogs spotted each other from across the park and stood staring for a moment before they all dashed forward.

How they didn't crash in the middle I still don't know!

I headed over to chat to Millie as Alfie started to run, with Duke and Chester close behind him. 

“Hello, you okay?” I said when we got close enough.

“Yeah I'm good thanks, you?” 

We made general chit chat about the dogs as they sped around the park.

“At least we don't have to go as far now to tire them out.” Millie laughed as Alfie collided into her as they tried to race around us.

We stood chatting until the boys came over to us and flopped down panting. 

“Well I suppose they're done.” We both looked down at the dogs. “See you both again.” 

As I turned the boys looked at Alfie and then back to me, before getting up and following me while Millie and Alfie went the other way.

When I got home I realised I needed to hoover and I decided to put some music on, turn it up and dance around while pushing the hoover around.

I put the hoover away and headed into the kitchen to start dinner. I put a chicken kiev and some hash browns into the oven and went to put a timer on and realised my phone was in the living room.

I walked in to grab it and as I opened it I realised I had a message.

From James.

‘Hey. It's good to hear from you, I'm good, how are you? I think I'm getting there, missing the team… but my team here is great. How are you getting on? How are the boys?’

I sat down and stared at the text. I was feeling a lot of emotions. 

‘I’m so happy for you, really! I'm good, works the same as always. The boys are both good, I think they were confused when you didn't come round again.’ 

I sent it and sat for a moment. 

I then jumped up remembering the food.

I didn't expect a reply quickly but one popped through soon after.

We chatted back and forth with very generic chit chat. Then he dropped in that he was coming back at the end of March to go to a concert with Scott. And he asked me to go out with him and the police lot. 

I said yes.

Then text Abbie.

I sat and ate dinner rapidly texting Abbie about what was happening.

I also text Scott.

I don't actually remember doing anything else that evening except talk to James and talk about James. 

I got into bed and tried to pay attention to my book but my mind kept popping back to James.

What am I going to wear?

What should I say?

Do we kiss?

Are we going to be flirty or just friendly?

Oh dear.

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