Monday 25th March

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Today I woke up stretched and sighed. I was certainly not ready for the week to be starting all over again.

I looked at the clock and realised I had a little bit of time and I decided to start the day off strong.

I danced.

I got Alexa to turn the music up and I boogied down the stairs and let the boys out. I shimmied into the kitchen to pop bread in the toaster and then did a little jive to the toilet.

I ate my toast while I shook my hips side to side and when I went up to get ready for the day I kept jumping and spinning around the room.

By the time I needed to leave I was feeling energised and ready for the day. 

The joy of work was when Liz turned up and her first word to me was “shit!”

“What's happened?” I asked her sipping my tea.

“I forgot the documents I need for the meeting later. I'll need to go home and get them and I walked here because my car is playing up and Mike bless him is taking it to the garage for me.” She put her hands over her face and sighed loudly.

“Come on. I'll drive you.” I tucked my arm through hers and pulled her along with me.

We popped to hers and she ran in and grabbed her papers and we got back to the office just in time for her to dash into her meeting.

I had the window open and was enjoying the little warmth coming through the window. I could see the birds flying around and the train went by on the line beyond the field. 

The day was lush.

I took the boys down the woods when I got home from work and the trees threw the light across the path in all sorts of patterns and shapes and it made the damp on the leaves shimmer.

As we wandered quietly, a man walked towards us, his head flicking back and forth. 

“Hey I'm really sorry to bother you. I don't suppose you've seen two tan spaniels around have you?” As he asked, he showed me a picture on his phone.

“No, I'm sorry. Have they got away?” 

“Yeah, they haven't come back after being let off. I've been walking the woods for over an hour.” He looked and sounded dejected.

“I'll keep an eye out. Do they have your phone number on their collars? What are their names?” 

“Yes it's on both. Poppy and Penny. They are super friendly and love people so they probably would come to you if you see them! Thank you.” He wandered off looking around and calling out their names.

I was continuing on with the boys when they stopped and their ears pricked up. I stopped and looked around but I couldn't see or hear anything.

I stood just slightly behind them for a moment trying to figure out what they were looking for.

Then I saw a movement out the corner of my eye. I turned my head towards it but it was gone.

Then I saw it again. This time when I turned towards it, it was a little nose. 

I stood still and a little tan coloured spaniel appeared from the bush.

“Poppy? Penny?” I said gently. The little dog looked at me and then the boys. 

I stepped slowly between them in case she was scared of other dogs and the boys stood watching quietly. Poppy or Penny had her tail between her legs but she took a few small steps towards me. I let her sniff my hand, gently patted her on the head and then attached one of the leads I had with me to her collar.

I stood straight and looked around. I assumed they would be together but after a moment of nothing happening I decided to call the guy.

“Hey, we met earlier in the woods. I've found Penny. I've popped her on the lead so she shouldn't be able to get away.” 

“Oh my gosh thank you. I popped back to the car and Poppy was sitting by the boot.” He took another big sigh. Although this time I think it was relief.

“Well we are heading in the direction of the car park, if you want to stay there we'll come to you?” 

When Penny saw her dad her tail started whipping back and forth. He crouched down and she dashed to him. He kept her on the lead until she was in the car and then he unhooked her and handed it back to me.

“Thank you so much.” He said smiling.

“No problem. She's very sweet. Came right up to me just like you said.” The boys had laid down by his car and he looked back towards his boot and I could see the two sets of eyes watching.

“They've never done anything like that before. I reckon something spooked them.” 

“She had her tail between her legs when she came out of the bush so yeah.” 

I said goodbye and he thanked me again and I loaded the boys up into the car.

I got home and got straight into my pyjamas before making dinner and sitting on the sofa for the evening.

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