Monday 29th January

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James texted me at lunchtime today about the concert tickets! There's a group of people going, including Abbie, and he confirmed a little bit later he had brought them.

So, there is a pass / fail on this question. Favourite Coldplay song?’

‘What happens if I fail?’ I texted back.

‘No concert I'm afraid.’

‘Didn't you just buy my ticket?’

‘Hmm… if you make a strong enough argument, the fail can be overturned… there's a time limit for you to answer btw…’ I laughed at his text, imaging him counting down from 5.

‘Something Just Like This… pass or fail?’

‘Hmm… explain?’ I looked at the message and thought for a moment.

‘It was the first Coldplay song I ever heard and it just made me fall in love with their music. It's the nostalgic factor.’ I typed it out thinking back to the day I first heard them.

I mean it's very possible I had heard them before this and not realised but this is when I really realised and heard them and wanted to hear more from them. I was getting excited for the concert.

Another text pings in. I passed. I laughed out loud at this text and my colleague Liz turned to look at me with a raised eyebrow.

I slid my phone over to her and she scanned the messages.

“I actually just have more questions.” She said as she slid my phone back to me.

I told her about the party and maybe went into a little bit too much detail describing James but she kept mmm-hmm-ing as if it all made sense. Which I suppose it did.

“Is he single?” She asked.

“I think so. I'm not sure though.” I sighed and turned back to my work.

The rest of the day went by quickly and I turned the music up loud on the way home, singing along and trying to not think too much about James.

We texted a little bit more throughout the afternoon until he went onto shift.

I texted Abbie when I got home about the concert and tried to sneak in the question of whether James was single. I don't think I was subtle enough about it, but Abbie did kindly inform me he is single. After a bit of ribbing.

I got the boys ready for their walk, wrapping their coats around their bellies to give them some protection from the rain.

We dashed round quickly, the boys still stopped to sniff but nowhere near as often as when it isn't raining. They don't love the rain but they love their walks so when they step outside to find it raining I feel like they are torn. To go back inside or brave the weather for the walk.

We got back and I towelled them both down and fed them dinner. I started mine, deciding on baked beans on potato waffles with some bacon I had left over.

I ate on the sofa with a blanket tucked around me and I was flicking through the TV and settled on one of those police interceptor programmes.

The perfect rubbish day time TV to just relax and turn off my brain for the day.

I realised as I was deciding to head up to bed I hadn't heard from George for a few days. But he did text me the other day that he was sick. So I sent him a quick text to see if he was feeling better.

I really don't think I like him like that. But I do really love him as a friend. He was one of my first friends in my new job. He's important.

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