Saturday 3rd February

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I woke up today with a smile on my face recounting last night.

I laid in bed for a while, listening to Chester snoring. Duke had realised immediately I was awake and climbed over to lay next to me.

When Chester realised I saw awake he started to whimper. He wanted breakfast. We headed downstairs, had breakfast and headed straight out for a walk.

We drove along to this large forestry area that has a small section of parking and then followed the track into the woods.

The boys were off and met a few other dogs along the way. Circling each other and then chasing each other in and out of the trees.

We got home and the boys had some treats and I decided to make myself something fun for lunch.

In the fridge I had some leftover meatballs I had made the other day and I found a half a baguette in the freezer. Meatball sub. Delicious.

I just sat down to eat my sub when my phone beeped.

‘See you at 8. I'll wear my waterproofs.’

My little just kissed bubble popped and I remembered dinner with Alfie. I sat looking at that message for ages with a sinking feeling in my stomach. But then I told myself, technically this is just pay back for ruining his suit. And yes me and James kissed. But that's it.

I sent a quick reply and ate my lunch with the TV on. I flicked through Netflix for a movie and put on the movie After. I grabbed my embroidery and my trainers and continued with my floral pattern.

I looked up and realised that I needed to jump in the shower and start getting ready.

I pulled out of my wardrobe a dark blue jumpsuit and a black blazer to wear. I pair it with my black chunky heels and a little black bag.

As I walked up to Desmond's I saw Alfie standing there with a small bunch of flowers and dressed in another, clean, suit.

“Hello.” I said as I got closer.

“Hi. You look beautiful.” He replied, looking me up and down. His gravely deep voice rumbled through me.

He handed me the flowers and opened the door for me to go inside.

“Table for 2 under Kerrington.”

The waiter walked us to our table and as I went to sit Alfie grabbed the chair and pulled it out for me, and tucked it in slowly as I sat down.

I've always found that really awkward normally but somehow Alfie got me into the perfect position straight away.

We made small talk and then ordered our food. When the drinks came there was a moment of awkward silence and Alfie picked up his phone when it buzzed. It looked like he sent a message and then put his phone face down on the table next to his cutlery. Mine was in my bag still.

“So tell me about yourself Alice. I'm sure you're more than the clumsy girl I met the other day.” He said, slightly patronisingly.

I started to tell him a bit about myself. I never normally know where to start with these questions. But I started at the beginning-ish but gave the highlights.

“And now it's me and my two great dances, just living each day as it comes…” I paused as the food was placed in front of us.

I promise I wasn't talking that long. The food was quick.

“What about you?” I said and took my first mouthful. I had ordered a chicken and mushroom pasta dish. And it was delicious.

“Well I work in investment and have a flat on New Road. I workout everyday and try to maintain a very strict diet.” As he said this he looked down at his dish. He had ordered a pasta dish with a side salad but the other way around. His pasta was the side and the salad was his main. And he had the chicken included with the pasta but no sauce.

He told me a little bit more about himself and I asked some questions here and there but I quickly finished my dinner while he was only about half way through.

“So, can I give you a lift home?” Alfie asked as we walked out of the restaurant.

“That would be lovely, thank you.” I didn't really want to spend any more time with him but it had also gotten very cold and that won out.

We were silent the whole way except from me giving him directions.

"Can I walk you to the door?" He asked, standing by the car.

"I think that's acceptable." I said, as I turned to walk up to my door. At this point I knew he wanted a kiss. And to be honest I was curious.

I paused at the door and smiled at him. "I had a really lovely evening. Thank you."

"Me too. A second date seems necessary." He says with cocky confidence.

"Yeah..." I unlocked the door and pushed it open just slightly and turned back to say good night. As I turned, my nose practically touched his chest.

"Goodnight…" I mumbled and tried to close the door behind me quickly. and push my door open.

"Wait. Are you not inviting me in for a drink?" He said, an edge of anger to his voice.

"Erm no... Please can you leave now?" I said with as much force as I could muster.

"Why not? We had a good time? We can just carry on having a good time… come on…" he put a hand out onto the door above my head and pushed it. I held the handle as close to me as I could.

"Alice?" We both looked at each other and Alfie stepped back to reveal Charles walking his dog Percy.

"Are you alright love?" He asked gently.

Charles glanced quickly at Alfie and then just looked at me.

"Good evening Charles. I'm fine, thank you. How are you?" I smiled.

"I'm actually glad I caught you. I don't suppose you mind helping me with my tv. I believe I have pressed some button on the remote and can't undo it. If it isn't a problem right now?" He spoke with ease, seemingly ignoring Alfie.

"Oh, no trouble at all. Alfie was just leaving." Since Alfie had stepped back to see who had interrupted him I was able to pull the door closed and I heard the lock click into place.

"Goodnight Alfie."

I didn't turn back as I walked towards Charles and gave Percy a quick hello before we moved onto Charles' house.

"Thank you Charles." I grasped his hand.

"You told me once you always say fine when something is wrong. It seemed clear it was him. Did he hurt you?" He questioned.

"No no. You're my knight in shining armour, rescued me just in time I reckon."
He patted my arm and walked into the kitchen putting the kettle on.

“Usual?” He calls.

“Please.” I smile and head to the kitchen to help Charles with the drinks.

I stayed for the one drink and then headed home. Charles watched me from his living room window and I waved briefly as I stepped back inside.

The boys greeted me excitedly and I was relieved to not really be alone.

I went around and double checked all the locks before heading up to bed and collapsing with the boys around me.

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