Part 6

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"You sure I can't help with anything?" I asked her again. I really didn't wanna leave. I was too excited to leave this place right now. "Well, I mean, you can help me clean up if you want to. But you don't have to. I usually do it on my own. Everyone else always goes home as you can see." - "Really? Why? They should help you. They work here too!" - "Yeah. But that's how it is. I kinda prefer to do it on my own anyway so it's okay" - "Does that mean you don't want my help?" I ask and she smiles. "No, it's just that no one ever offers to help. Thank you. What was that you said earlier? Preeshiate chu!" She says and laughs making me laugh too. "Well, it's the least I could do. I have you to thank for getting this gig after all." - "Well you didn't disappoint. Mike is really happy with the turn out" - "I'm glad. What can I do?" I asked her and she showed me what she needed help with. We finished cleaning up and talked a little then I helped her lock up. "Well, guess I'll see you tomorrow." - "Yeah, thanks for helping me Bruno. Have a good rest of the night" - "You two Aubrey!" I said and turned to walk away but then stopped. "Where's your car?" I asked her and she pointed to it down the street. "Come on, I'll walk you. You shouldn't be out alone this time a night" I said and she looked up at me surprised and smiled. "Oh, thank you" she said. I walked her to her car and said good night again. "Where's your car?" She asked. I was hoping she didn't ask. "I'm walking" - "What? No you're not. Hop in I'll drive you home" - "You don't even know where I live and your offering me a ride?" - "Yeah, you helped me clean and close up and you walked me to my car. I can drive you home" she says with a smile. "Well, okay. Thanks!" I said and got in.

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