Part 124

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When we were in the car I handed her a bandana. "What's this for? It doesn't exactly go with my outfit." she said all sassy like. I laughed. "You know what it's for babe. Put it over your eyes so you won't see where we're going. It's a surprise remember?" She sighed and said "Okay. But can you help me tie it?" - "Of course" I said back and helped her with it. Then we were on our way. I pulled up to the restaurant and the vallet opened Aubrey's door. "I got it! Baby stay still " I said first to him then Aubrey. Then I got out and ran around to help her out. "Okay, I'm gonna take this off now." I said and untied it. When the bandana was off and she recognized the restaurant her eyes went watery. It was the restaurant she had picked so long ago. The day we drove through LA and I asked her to pick any restaurant and I would bring her to eat there when I made it big. A promise I most certainly kept. "I haven't been here since...." she stopped talking as a tear rolled down her cheek. "I know, me neither. I've only ever been here with you. This is our restaurant. You were the one who kept me going Aubrey, you believed in me from day one, you helped me get my music out there. It was you who made a lot of this possible. You who I celebrated it with. You didn't let me give up and lord knows sometimes I wanted to. But you were always there baby. To keep me going. It was always you and it always will be you and only you. There's not a day that goes by that I'm not thankful for meeting you Aubrey" I said and kissed her. She kissed me back with happy tears. "I love you Bruno" - "I love you too Aubrey" I said and led her inside. We had a nice candlelit dinner in our own private corner of the restaurant. I had our table surrounded by beautiful red roses. We laughed and talked about the old days when we were both still working at that bar, trying to find our way in life. We had so many good times. So many memories together that I wouldn't trade for the world. At the end of the night she thanked me for making her come to dinner. "It was the best night we've had out I'm a long time. I missed us. I love you baby." - "I love you too Aubrey. Now, what do you say we get home so I can make good on my word of ripping that dress off of you and having my way with you?" - "I'd like that" she said and we both laughed.

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