Part 66

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The moment Aubrey told me about Chanel I knew her living in that apartment wasn't an option. Aubrey didn't have to say it, I just knew. I needed to get home fast. The last couple of months of my tour flew by to my surprise. It was amazing but I couldn't wait to get back home to Aubrey. We could finally start to plan our wedding so she could be my wife. She was gonna be Mrs. Aubrey Hernandez, or Aubrey Mars as she had kindly put it before. The thought of that made me laugh. She was just so adorable. I was so anxious to see her. I knew she would be at work when I landed so I went home, showered and got dressed. Then I headed to a flower shop and picked up some flowers and made my way to her job. When I got there I walked up to the receptionist and said "Excuse me miss, I'm here to see Aubrey Sandoval." She was facing away from me in her chair. She didn't even turn to look at me. She just said "I'm sorry, I don't know anyone with that name" - "Oh, well can you look to see. She's been working here for a couple months now. You have to know her." I say and she starts talking as she turns around. "Look sir, I told you I don't know anyone by that... OH MY GOD YOU'RE BRUNO MARS!" I laugh and say "Yeah, I am" - "I am so sorry! Who did you say you were looking for?" she asked suddenly being very helpful. "Aubrey, Aubrey Sandoval" I say and she types something in her computer and then makes a phone call. "She will be with you in just a second Mr. Mars" she says with a smile. "Thank you miss, Bruno is fine" I say and she smiles and says "Okay Bruno, she will be right with you." I sit down to wait for Aubrey and I can feel the receptionists staring at me. Them I hear Aubrey's voice. "Bruno, you're here early!" I look up at her and smile. Then she runs towards me and I get up and swoop her into my arms and spin her around. "I caught an earlier flight so I could see you sooner." I say and bring her down to kiss her. "I missed you so much Bruno" she says and hugs me tight. I pick up the roses I got and handed them to her. "These are for you my love" I say and she takes them with a smile. "Thank you baby, they're beautiful" - "Not as beautiful as you" I say and she blushes.

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