Part 52

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After our flight landed we went to meet up with the rest of the guys. We had a show to get ready for. We were all talking and having a good time preparing. "Hey man you're in a way better mood than last time. What's changed?" Kam asked. "Yeah man, what's up?" Jam asked too. Before I could answer I hear. "Ah man y'all haven't heard. Bruno got himself a new lady" Phil said teasingly. "Oh word! Who?" Phred asked. "It's Aubrey." I said. "Aubrey, that pretty little thing we met in Hawaii?" Kam asked. "That's the one." I said with a smile. "Oooooowhoooo! Okay! Go ahead bro. See I told y'all B was feelin her. He was just frontin" Kam said. They all started cheering and then teasing me. "Haha okay. Yeah, yeah. Bruno was a big dummy. I get it guys. Now let's get back to work." I said putting my best boss man voice one. "Nah really though little brother. We all knew it and were happy for you. She seems like a keeper." Eric says. "She is. I don't even know if we'd be here where we are today if it weren't for her." I said remembering the day we met Brandon. I decided to share that story with the guys and they all determined that Aubrey and I were just meant to be. They were right...and I was so glad I finally saw that now.

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