Part 33

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Aubrey pulled her hand away from me. "What is that?" - "You know what it is Bruno, please don't make me say it." she said and I became instantly angry. "You're marrying him? When did this happen?" - "He asked me the night I came back from Hawaii." - "And you said yes?! What about what happened in Hawaii Aubrey, what about what you said? Did that mean nothing? Was it all a lie?" - "Bruno, I told you. That was a mistake. It was a moment of weakness. I'm sorry." She said and I just couldn't believe it. I lost it. "Unbelievable Aubrey! First you leave me standing outside alone not knowing what to do. Then you leave Hawaii without telling me! Then you ignore my calls and text messages. Then I have to show up here unannounced just to find out that you got engaged not even 24 hours after just kissing me and telling me I make you feel things! And you weren't even gonna tell me! I thought you were supposed to be my best friend Aubrey! But I guess I was wrong. Maybe Chanel has been right all along!" - "Bruno. Please, calm down!" She said and I could tell she was about to cry. "No! No Aubrey! I won't. I'm out of here" I yelled and she said "I'll call you later so we can talk." - "Don't bother! I don't need you in my life Aubrey!" I say. "You don't mean that Bruno" she says. "Oh but I do. Don't ever contact me again!" I say and then I storm out. But before I do, I see tears rolling down her cheeks and I know I've hurt her. But in that moment, I was too mad to even care. I slammed her door shut and left.

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