Part 107

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I held Aubrey's hand and we both looked at the monitor anxiously and throwing occasional glances the doctors way. She was trying to get the baby to move around in order to be able to get a view of what she needed to see. "You've got a stubborn little one in there. He or she is really not trying to let us determine the sex." - "Stubborn. Sounds like someone I know" I said playfully while looking at Aubrey. She laughed and said "I know you're not talking Mars!" making both the doctor and I laugh with her. "Did you really just call me Mars?" - "I sure did" she said and stuck her tongue out at me. I laughed and said "Alright Sandoval, I see you." - "Oh I'll gladly take back my maiden name back" she said with a smirk. "Oh, you wish! You're stuck with me forever now baby!" I said with a big grin. Dr. Johnson looked at us and smiled. "You two are adorable. I'v watched you two interact during your visits these past few months and it's quite refreshing. I can see the love you have for each other shinning right through. You just seem like the perfect match, like you two were just meant to be." Aubrey and I exchanged glances and smiled. "We get that a lot doc" I said. She glanced back to the screen. "OH! LOOK! THERE WE GO!" she yelled pointing at the screen. She took some screen shots and looked at us and smiled. Aubrey and I smiled back and looked back at the screen. "So, do we know?" Aubrey asked. Dr. Johnson shook her head and smiled. "Mr. and Mrs. Hernandez, IT'S A BOY!" She said and Aubrey and I looked at each other and smiled. "A BOY!" we both said in unison. "I KNEW IT! I told you baby! I knew it was gonna be a boy!" I said happily. I bent down and kissed Aubrey's forehead. "I love you Aubrey. So damn much!" - "I love you too Bru" she said back. The doctor cleaned her belly off and handed us some copies of the ultrasound of pictures with the words 'It's a boy' on one of them. I couldn't wait to tell everyone. Aubrey and I were gonna be the proud parents of a beautiful baby boy.

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