Part 129

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When they left I turned to Aubrey and kissed her again. "So you really think it's gonna be a smash baby?" - "I do. Bru, the song is perfect. However, I don't need you to try to be perfect for me. You are already perfect just the way you are. Everything you've been through and everything you have done, has shaped you into the amazing man you are today. I love you just the way you are. I wouldn't change anything about you Bruno. Do you hear me?" she said and hugged me. "Thank you baby. I hear you and I love you right back."

Two months later:
I'm in the studio with the guys putting the finishing touches on the album when I get a call from mom. "Bruno, Aubrey's water broke. We are on the way to the hospital now!" - "What? Is she okay?" - "She's fine honey, just come down to the hospital" - "Okay mom. I'm on my way. Sorry guys I gotta go. It's baby time!" I said and grabbed my stuff. They all cheered and congratulated me as I left the studio. On my way to the hospital I put in the call to Aubrey's parents so they could make their way here. I had already made arrangements for a private jet to fly them out here when the time came. When I got to the hospital I ran in and asked for her room number and ran up there. I ran in and hugged my mom and made my way to Aubrey. "Hey baby! How are you feeling? Are you okay?" She smiled at me and said "I'm good Bru, just anxious to meet our little bundle of joy. I called my mom but she said you had already called her and they were already on the way to the airport. Thank you for remembering." - "Of course baby, I promised I would" I said and kissed her hand. "I can't believe it's time baby. I'm so excited." - "Me too Bru, me too." I bent my head down a kissed her belly. "Mommy and Daddy can't wait to meet you little man. But hold on a little longer for your other grand parents to get here." I looked up at mom. "Did you call dad?" - "I did sweetheart. He was already in town. He will be here soon. He was at Eric's. He got in this morning. Eric and Cindia will be coming with him." - "Good, good. My sisters? Do they know?" - "Yes honey. They all know. They will all be here soon." - "Good. Thanks mom." I looked back at Aubrey and she had a big smile on her face. It made me smile too. "I love you so much Mars! I don't know how I got so lucky with you, but I am so thankful that I did." I leaned down and placed a kiss on her lips. "I feel the same way about you baby." - "Awww you kids are just too adorable. I always knew you were meant to be" Mom said making us look at her and smile. "Mom always knows best" I said and we laughed. "Its true. We do. Now smile so I can take a picture of you two" Mom said and so we did. Our first baby time picture.

(A/N: Only 2 more chapters left guys! Thank you to all who have been with me since the beginning of this and stuck with me! & All of you who took the time to read and comment! )

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