Part 12

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That night when I got to the club Aubrey was sitting at the bar. When she saw me she stood up and walked over to me. "Hey, I'm sorry about Alex. He's kind of a jerk" - "You don't have to apologize Aubs. It's all good. He's not the first person to believe I'm not gonna make it" - "Well I believe you can do it Brunz" she said and I laughed. "Brunz huh?" - "You called me Aubs. So yeah" she says and smiles. "Okay. That's cool with me. What are you doing with that jerk anyway?" I asked and she shrugged her shoulders. "He's not a jerk to me" is all she says. "Well good then. You let me know if I gotta kick his butt" I say and laugh. She laughs too. "Oh and Aubrey?" - "Yeah?" - "You look nice today" I say and walk to my booth. The night went by pretty quick. We finished up and locked up. "Hey Brunz? What do you say we go get something to eat? My treat?" she says catching me off guard. "Sure! But only if you let me pay. After all, you're driving." I say. She smiles "Fine! Where should we go?" - "Wherever you want that's open right now" I say and we both laugh. "Okay" I know a place she says and drives there. We went to a little restaurant that was open all night. We ordered breakfast and sat and talked for hours. I finally got her to tell me more about herself. Before we knew the sun was up. "I better get you home so you can get some sleep Bruno" - "Yeah, shame on you keeping me out all night" I said and we both laughed. Then she drove me home.

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