Part 68

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Aubrey's POV

After Bruno left Karen looked up at me and said "I didn't know he was your fiancé" - "Oh. Well we don't really talk. Besides, I don't just walk around telling people I'm engaged to Bruno Mars" - "How long have you known him? When did you get engaged? I didn't know he had a fiancé." She asks. I think to myself that now that she knows I'm engaged to Bruno Mars she's gonna try to become my best friend and I can't help but laugh. "I've known him for several years now. But I'd like to keep my personal life with Bruno private. I'm sorry." I say trying to be as nice as possible. "Oh that's fine. I understand. You're a very lucky woman" she says and I smile. "Yeah, I am! Bruno's a really amazing man" I say, my smile growing bigger as I say that. She looks at me with such admiration and jealousy at the same time I felt weird, no one ever looked at me like that before. I wasn't sure I liked it. But I guess as long as she was being nice it was okay. "I bet he is. You are so lucky. I'm so jealous of you right now" She says and smiles at me. - "Jealous? Oh no, don't be jealous." - "Girl please, you're engaged to Bruno Mars! Who wouldn't be jealous of you?" She asks. "I...I don't know. I guess I just don't see it the way you do because I knew him before he was famous. But I really should get back to work now. Good talk" I say and walk away before she can say anything else.

[End Of POV]

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